Owen Cook – Endless Motivation Blueprint


Owen Cook – Endless Motivation BlueprintLearn How We’ve Motivated MILLIONS to Get More Things DONE, Dissolve Any Resistance or Procrastination And Get Emotional Leverage toReach Their Wildest DreamsWithout (necessarily) the use of tools, Agendas or to-do lists.I couldn’t just rely on toolsI had to HARNESS THE DRIVE, time and focus from within MYSELF. I HAD to find a way to push us forward as a company and set ourselves up for greatness in the years to come.I HAD to figure out, internally and externally how to keep going, wake up excited, get everything done and do it all overAGAIN. EVERY. SINGLE. DAYTHOSE ARE THE DEEP-ROOTED CONCEPTS YOU’RE ABOUT TO LEARN THAT I HAD TO DEVELOP TO GENERATE MASSIVE FOCUS, PURPOSEFUL COMMITMENT AND SHEER WILL, FOR 4 YEARS STRAIGHTAnd Now It’s One of the Foundational Lessons I Teach Around The World: Step 1: Watch this video first to Learn How I’m going to help you Get Endlessly MotivatedStep 2: Read my story and why it works.From A former Autistic : who spent 20 years figuring himself out toachieve his true, absolute highest potential and has inspired millionsof people more since:Dear Goal Setter:Life was anything but easy for me. I come from a background of being absolutely socially inept…Getting myself to sit down and actually WORK was a full-time job in itself.I was constantly tempted to procrastinate.It was so much easier to turn my mind off and watch a movie. Or play a game.It took so much energy just to convince myself to do the work that on the rare occasion I actually DID…I quickly burned myself out, got nothing done, and took a “break” for the rest of the day.It drove me crazy.I thought I just didn’t have what it took to build the life I wanted.I figured all the famous and successful people I looked up to just had something I didn’t.That I should just accept the cards I was dealt and settle for an unsatisfying life like everyone else.As it turned out…. I couldn’t have been more wrong.It took almost 20 years…But I FINALLY figured out how to take all the pain out of the motivational process I now teach in a matter of days..Thanks to that, today I own an 8 figure business doing only what I love most. I have an ever-expanding network of fulfilling relationships with high-quality people. I have a loving family and children, and more daily opportunities than I have time to engage in.Not only that, but I get to travel the world and I get PAID for it. I’m fortunate enough to enjoy a level of freedom of time, choice, and location few people get to experience.On top of all that, people actually VALUE my ideas to the point they’re willing to travel just to hear me speak in person. I’ve taught tens of thousands of people in over 60 countries and millions more online.I’m not telling you this to brag, but to make a point.NONE of this would have been possible if I hadn’t figured out the secret to the motivational process.In fact this methodology is so powerful. I’ve taught it to every coach on my team over the last 20 years… and each and every single one of them went on to become a big brand, generate multiple millions in revenue, and become set for life.And are you ready for the kicker?Get this: you can get that SAME level of success yourself. It doesn’t matter how broke, socially inept, or lost in life you are.I’ve repeated this process over and over and over and OVER with people I’ve personally mentored. And they’ve all been able to elevate their lives to heights they never thought possible.But I wasn’t born into this success.Like I said, I started out as a socially oblivious autistic loserThe deck was stacked against me. ‘Fake it til you make it’ wasn’t gonna do jackAnd I didn’t want to have to rely on ‘inspiring’ myself with videos or books or exercises every single time I wanted to be productive.Contrary to what I believed, I soon learned that…Truly successful people DIDN’T have to struggle with self-motivation or procrastination.They were able to flip their motivation ON and OFF like a switch.That was how they could go hard for days, weeks, months, even years on end without needing a break.That was the only way I was gonna be able to build the elite level of success I wanted.So I swore to figure out how they pulled it offBecause if I didn’t…Then it was game over. My life would hit a dead-end before it even started.Problem was I had zero idea on where to start.I had NO ONE to tell me what to do or where to learn from.Only the same useless info everyone else already knew.(get plenty of sleep, eat healthy, exercise, blah blah blah…)Nothing that had an actual direct effect on the way my brain handled motivation.So I had to figure it out the hard way… through the long process of trial and error.And let me tell you, I tried EVERYTHING.I woke up at 5am. I made to-do lists. I took cold showers. I committed to online accountability groups. I meditated. I took special health supplements.I listened to every motivational speaker I could find and tried out ALL of their adviceHow am I gonna help you make that happen? Through a 3-step process.First, I’m gonna show you how to Exploit Your Weaknesses.Most people tend to avoid their weaknesses. They let their limiting beliefs dictate what they can and can’t do.And surprise! They end up on their deathbed full of regrets. “I wish I’d done this, I wish I’d taken that chance…”Instead, what I’m gonna do is show you how to remove those limiting beliefs so you turn your weaknesses into opportunities.Opportunities you’d NEVER be able to even see – much less act on – with your current belief system.Next I’m gonna map out the Infinite Motivation Blueprint for you.This is how you create a never ending fountain of motivation within yourself.And the only way to do it is to bring into perfect sync your Higher Self, Day-to-Day Self, and Lower Self Motivations.What does that look like?Well, your Higher Self Motivations are your legacy.Some people wanna be a good parent to their kids. Or an astronaut. Or a rockstar.Then your Day-to-Day Self Motivations are how you fulfill your practical needs of life.Building a cool dating life. Getting paid. Educating yourself. Having a cool beachfront apartment.Finally, your Lower Self Motivations are your ego.Like when you wanna prove someone wrong. Or you get jealous. Or you wanna look like a baller.By intertwining those three aspects of yourself with your purpose…You turn yourself into an unstoppable engine of motivation.Which is why relying on tools alone doesn’t help.Cold showers and to-do lists don’t motivate you. They just keep you organized.And if you have no sense of purpose, the only thing you’re organizing is your urge to procrastinate.