Brooke Lark – The 60-Minute Food Stop Motion Crash Course


Brooke Lark – The 60-Minute Food Stop Motion Crash CourseIf making your own food videos sounds intimidating, stopmotion may be for you! In this course, professional food photographer and videographer, Brooke Lark, will show you everything you need to know to make your own stunning stopmotion. From setup to camera settings, from editing in Premiere Pro to turning those photos into a video, this beginner course makes stopmotion so simple, you’ll be able to make your own in just 60 minutes!Course CurriculumFirst SectionStartWelcome (2:04)StartChapter 1 – The Setup (4:38)StartChapter 2 – Shooting Stop Motion (10:41)StartChapter 4 – Resizing in Photoshop (3:22)StartChapter 3 – Editing in Lightroom (5:45)StartChapter 5 – Editing in Premiere Pro (18:44)StartWrap Up (2:05)