Marco Covarrubias – Advanced Javascript Development


Marco Covarrubias – Advanced Javascript DevelopmentGo Beyond the Basics with this Dive in to Javascript’s Most Important, Advanced FeaturesSo you’ve got the basics down and you’re looking to grow as a Javascript developer? You want to learn how to exploit Javascript to create powerful front ends for web and mobile apps? You want to understand closures, and Object Oriented Javascript?If so, you’ve found the right course.Code along with Marco, your expert instructor as you learn the techniques the pros use to create production quality,bullet-proof javascript code. This course is a deep dive in to some of Javascript’s most powerful features like regular expression pattern matching, closures and prototypes. Fully understand Javascript’s powerful DOM parsing model as you apply this language to your own development work.Javascript is becoming the most important language in web and mobile. You can’t afford not to know the techniques Marco teaches in Advanced Javascript Development.Your HostMarco CovarrubiasMarco Covarrubias has a passion for programming. In 2005, he graduated from UCLA with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering. He then attended Cal Poly Pomona where he earned a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering with a focus in DSP and communications in 2008. Also in 2008, he joined ARINC as an engineer, where he contributed to two different projects.In 2012, Marco was hired by Cisco Systems in northern California, where he worked as part of the automation team for the data center switches. He recently worked as part of their web security team as a backend Python developer. Before that, he worked for Honda R&D, where he was an Ajax developer.Marco has extensive experience with computer system and architecture design, as well as hardware design and signal processing algorithms. To date, he has learned how to program in Python, PHP, Javascript, and C#. During his spare time, Marco enjoys movies, music, bike riding, and learning how to program web and mobile applications.EpisodesAdvanced Function TechniquesFunction Closures (12:09)Understanding Variable Scope (7:32)Functions as Objects (11:46)Variable Length Object Lists (6:36)Event Propagation and Bubbling (8:42)Lab Exercise 1ObjectsCreating Objects (6:25)Object Properties (6:07)Object Attributes (2:10)Enumerations (4:45)Deleting Attributes (3:58)Lab Exercise 2ArraysCreating Arrays (2:58)How to Read and Write Arrays (4:43)How to Iterate Through Arrays (3:04)Array Methods (14:30)Lab Exercise 3Classes and ModulesClasses and Prototypes (8:26)Defining Your Own Classes (4:30)Modules (5:48)Lab Exercise 4DOM OverviewHow to Inject HTML into the DOM (11:40)Cloning Elements in the DOM (6:12)Removing Elements in the DOM (3:31)Lab Exercise 5XML OverviewParsing and Displaying XML (8:36)XML Attributes (3:29)Adding Elements to an XML Tree (3:45)How to Delete Elements from an XML Tree (4:19)Modifying Elements to XML Tree (2:11)Lab Exercise 6Regular ExpressionsHow to Define Your Own regular Expressions (6:54)String Methods for Pattern Matching (2:20)The Regexp Object (7:33)Lab Exercise 7Window ObjectWindow Object Methods (6:08)The Location Object (3:22)The History Object (3:52)Timers (3:29)Lab Exercise 8Lab SolutionsLab Solutions