Bradley Thompson – Quantum Cookbook Course


Bradley Thompson – Quantum Cookbook Course  “Here’s What The Secret Didn’t Tell You!”Discover the REAL SECRETS of Manifestation –Including the TWO Unwritten Steps no-one Talks About– Direct From the KING of Creating Your Own Reality!PLUS: What the 24 “Secret” Teachers REALLY Think!We cannot guarantee that this product will work for you. But if you’re not completely happy with the results, just let us know within 90 days and we’ll refund your order. No strings attached.I know your story.You’ve tried MANIFESTING – but it just didn’t work out as you planned.You watched “The Secret.” You read those guides to “Cosmic Ordering.” You learned about Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction. You saw “What the Bleep Do We Know.”YES – You should be a Manifestation Master by now.And I’ll bet that you’ve definitely had some success so far.But it’s NOWHERE NEAR where you’d like to be.Right?Well, you’re not alone. Because despite their popularity, these mass-produced DVDs and books don’t reveal the whole secret behind manifestation.Take The Secret for example…Although it brought many self-help teachers to the public eye, many of it’s 24 featured experts have complained that it was simply the result of good editing.Fred Alan Wolf, for instance, one of the biggest stars of the film, publicly stated that he didn’t even believe in the Law of Attraction – and that the film simply uses pseudo-quantum physics to sell the concept.Esther Hicks requested to be edited out, following disputes over marketing tactics. James Ray didn’t get chance to explain WHY it took him NINE YEARS to manifest his appearance on Oprah, and what he’d do differently now. And the producers only lightly touched on one of Joe Vitale’s most critical ideas.And how about the one teacher in The Secret who only appeared for five seconds throughout the entire film – yet had the greatest secret to share?In fact, one-third of the teachers are direct customers of this individual’s secret technique.Wow!And so you’re left asking the question…“What is the REAL SECRET behind this all?”Forget fancy graphics. Forget gurus and pseudo-science. Forget DVDs.How can you GENUINELY and PRACTICALLY begin manifesting ANYTHING you want in life – STARTING TONIGHT?It’s more amazing that even The Secret knows.WITHIN MINUTES, you can genuinely manifest a new car, a new house, a stress-free life, a soul mate, a new social circle, support with weight loss – ANYTHING YOU DESIRE.Today, I’d like to share this REAL manifestation secret with you…Here’s Who I Am – And Why You Should Care!Read About the Meeting With My Publisher – And HowHe Convinced Me to Put My Thoughts Into Words.So, who am I?My name is Bradley Thompson – and I’ve been using the power of manifestation for the past twenty years, before it was even called manifestation!I’m the author of a whole bundle of best-selling books, including “Be Psychic”, “Building Your Own Subliminal-Studio” and “Lucid Dreaming in Seven Days.” I also helped produce award-winning personal development tools such as Motivator and Subliminal Power, currently used by over a million individuals throughout the globe.You can learn more about my products here.Over the past twenty years, I’ve manifested a true dream life.I’ve manifested my own “home castle” just below Scotland. I’ve manifested a business currently worth almost seven million pounds. (Yes, pounds: I live in the UK – though most of my work is with the States).I’ve manifested dozens of products which bear my name. I’ve manifested a fantastic bunch of friends. I even manifested my perfect partner, Jane – some fifteen years ago.Twenty years ago, I discovered The REAL Secret.I studied many of the manifestation guides from the late 1800’s, when they didn’t have snappy “ancient wisdom” DVD graphics to keep viewers entertained.I soon found a SIMPLE six-step technique for manifesting absolutely ANYTHING – quickly.I’ve been using it ever since.You’ll find some of these steps inside The Secret . But it’s missing two of the MOST CRITICAL steps – and those little-known steps are what’s stopping The Secret fully working for YOU.You’ll find ALL of those SIX secret steps inside… “The Quantum Cookbook.”Want to learn more? Read About The Secret Meeting with My Publisher – And How His Life Turned Around When HeDiscovered The Secret BEHIND The Secret! Let’s go back in time.It’s fifteen months ago.I’m sitting in The Landmark hotel in London. My publisher is sat opposite. His name is Tim Raeburn, and he works for the Self Development Network.“I want to believe it,” says Tim. “But to be honest, it’s not working for me.”These simple words were the inspiration behind this entire site.“What’s not working?” I asked.“Manifesting! I watched The Secret. I followed the instructions. I went to each of the gurus and bought their books, DVDs and courses. You’ve been manifesting for years, right?”“Yes,” I reply.“And does it really work?”“Yes!”“Then why doesn’t it work for me? Why am I sometimes successful, and sometimes not? Why do I try to manifest something as simple as a car parking space – and it DOESN’T work? Why am I the Failed Manifestation Man?”Tim pulls a funny face – and I smile. I love his sense of humor.“How are you doing it?” I ask – and he explains.And I sit there.Stunned.He was trying everything recommended in The Secret – yet due to bad editing and marketing hype, was missing the TWO MOST IMPORTANT STEPS in the entire process!I went home immediately and began to research. I watched the movie over and over. And I compared it with my own personal technique – a technique I’ve created and shared over the past twenty years.A technique for manifesting ANYTHING in just six easy steps.A technique that has NEVER FAILED ME.I sent my notes off to Tim a week later. He was desperately trying to manifest a brand new car, and his soul partner.“Try this!” I told him. “Let me know how it goes.”He tried it.Two weeks later, he wrote to me the most excited e-mail I’ve ever read. I’m copying and pasting it here, typos and all:>> This past week has been the craziest of my life!!>> I tried your two extra steps and WOW, what a difference. We’ve taken on a new client, M******** UK Ltd, and I went to visit them in Richmond.>> Within the space of a week, the guys there have become my new best friends. I’ve an entire fresh social circle. AND they just set me up with the funniest, wittiest girl I’ve ever met.>> We went on our first date last night – and WOW. I am just smitten.>> Not only that, I received a HUGE mid-year bonus last month, because of performance. I’m going to buy that new car THIS WEEKEND.>> You’re just the most inspirational guy I’ve ever worked with.Do YOU want to know what Tim knows?Well, Tim wants you to know. In fact, he wanted you to know so much that he immediately begged me to write a brand new course on the topic – AND create a program to help people understand the concept.