Alex and Lauren – Six-Figure Course Creator 2022


Alex and Lauren – Six-Figure Course Creator 2022Learn how to create and sell your own online courses without needing to be an “expert” in your field or have mad video skills. We got you.Imagine for a second that you could…? Sell courses that have an impact and change the lives of others.We’ve helped people lose more than 100 pounds with our diet program and make more than $10,000 with their blog. This is life-changing sh*t. This is the real magic and what makes the money that you earn so much more fulfilling.? Make thousands of dollars every month fairly passively.There’s not a better feeling than waking up in the morning with a big, warm cup of coffee and checking your emails to see what sales came in overnight. You can structure your business in such a way that this is possible, and it’s wonderful.? Have confidence and never feel weird about selling your courses.When you love the products that you sell and you know that they WORK, you feel confident in what you’re doing. No need to put a salesman hat on or to beg for sales. It comes naturally when you’re communicating in the right way.??‍? Turn your online business into your full-time career!Quitting our full-time jobs was a bit scary, I won’t lie. But one thing I knew for sure… I wasn’t going back. Not when you get a taste of what life is like on the other side — when YOU get to design your days and work every minute for yourself.There are generally a few ways to earn an income as a content creator.All of these routes have advantages and disadvantages. They also all have varying levels of work required and income potential.Placement Ads and Sponsored PostsThe lowest-hanging fruits. Ads are the easiest to set up but they have the lowest earning potential. Sponsored posts have a higher payout but require a lot of time and work to set up.Affiliate Marketing and Other PartnershipsYou can make some big bucks here and this is a great way to diversify your earnings. The best partnerships require a lot of traffic or a high following but have the highest payouts.Online Courses, eBooks, and CoachingCreating and selling your own products and services is the best way to really scale your income. You’re in control of your prices, margins, and how you sell. Create more, sell more, earn more!Selling doesn’t have to feel scammy or hard. It should be a natural thing.I didn’t have any sales experience when I first ed. I was a tax accountant before I ed my online business, so I had the opposite of “sales and marketing skills.”Our “sales and marketing” skills focus on two primary ingredients:HonestyPeople don’t want to feel like someone is selling to them. They’re real people looking for real results. Be real, be yourself, and be honest. You’ll naturally attract the right people to your products.TransparencyIf what you’re teaching is hard, tell people it’s hard. Don’t make getting results look like a walk in the park. You don’t have to pretend like you have your sh*t together all the time. People want authenticity.But creating your own course feels like a HUGE step. Am I right???This is an area that I see so many of my students getting hung up on.They KNOW creating an online course is the next step for them, but they just can’t seem to find the motivation to get ed.?? You feel like there are enough “experts” out there. What makes you qualified?⏰ You feel strapped for time already and are wondering how you’d ever get this done.⁉️ You don’t know how you would go about even selling your course.Well, you don’t need to be an “expert.”Hello and welcome to the crew! Here are Create and Go, we’re all bloggers too. Our team is comprised of several bloggers all running their own online businesses in various niches.Because of that, we bring a LOT of different experiences to the table. But it’s important to remember that we all ed out just like you…We didn’t have any special “credentials” to qualify us to teach online. We built our businesses on a combination of professional and personal knowledge and experience.Creating our first online course was what changed the game for us. It was the difference between making $1,000 and $10,000+ a month.Now, it hasn’t been the easiest journey. Those first few months required a LOT of trial and error. There was a failed product launch and a failed blog in there somewhere but then, we ed to figure some things out.We learned how to turn $1,000/month into $10,000/month and then $20,000/month — all through selling online courses and programs. These are the same strategies that the entire Create and Go team has used to build multiple successful websites in various niches, and we are ALL now sharing these strategies with you in this course!You see, the setup is everything. If you build the right foundation and you focus on the right things, you’ll save yourself months of zeroes and question marks.Introducing…Your Step-by-Step Course Launch PlanBuild Your Six-Figure FrameworkLearn more about the overarching strategies that are involved to take your business to the six-figure level. These lessons are important to keep in mind at every stage from creation to after the sale.Generate Ideas and Plan Out Your CourseThis part can be really overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ll help you generate ideas for your course, gather research, and plan the whole thing out before you getting to the real work.Build Your Course from ScratchNow comes the fun part. Some people get hung up here and take longer than necessary, but we’ll show the exact process we use to create our courses and minimize wasted time along the way.Create High-Converting Sales PagesThe difference between a 1% and 3% conversion is 3x the profits. Even small changes can majorly impact your sales. These are the strategies learned from split-testing thousands of visitors on our sales pages.Get Targeted Visitors to Your Sales PagesWhat if you could attract people to your sales pages that are already super interested and ready to hit the checkout button? Learn how to create sales-centered content to attract the right people to your pages.Scale Sales with an Email Sales Funnel This module is worth the entire price of the course. We’re sharing the exact email funnel template that we use that will help you launch your product and continue making sales each month!Course CurriculumIntroduction, Expectations, + ResourcesUpdates & AnnouncementsPrivate Support GroupOur Favorite ResourcesPre-Reqs and Common MistakesCourse ObjectivesHow to Get the Most From This Course(9:26)Your Business MindsetBecome the Expert(6:50)Building a Brand(8:07)Being a Business Owner(5:29)Being a Problem Solver(4:33)Success Leaves Clues(12:59)The Six-Figure FrameworkThe Strategy Behind a Six-Figure Business(9:18)Blog Sales Equation Simplified(13:10)The Six-Figure Blog Equation(7:17)The Customer Journey(10:40)Affiliate MarketingAffiliate Marketing Strategy(26:35)Selling Affiliate Products: How and Where(28:02)Selling Affiliate Products: Email(19:04)Finding Great Affiliate Products(9:38)Great Affiliate Programs Right NowGenerating Ideas and Planning Your CourseIdeas, Data, and Research(7:29)Surveying Your Audience(13:22)Define Your Customer and Problem(13:15)Setting Deadlines(7:15)Creating Your Course From ScratcheBook Product and Content OutlinesCourse Content OverviewOutlining Your Course(7:45)Naming Your Course (Product)(3:53)Creating a Great Headline(12:07)Creating Your Bonuses(15:23)First “Rough” Draft(15:08)Images and Branding(8:41)eBook Completion and DeliveryCourse Completion and DeliveryHow to SELL: High-Converting Sales PagesWhere to Host and Sell Your Courses (or eBooks)Sales Page Sequence(7:19)Sales Page Sub-Headlines(4:58)Sales Page Body Copy(9:15)Product Intro and Bonuses(6:10)Product Price and Guarantee(10:49)Frequently Asked Questions(11:43)Getting Testimonials(11:40)Tools to Boost ConversionsGetting Visitors to Your Sales PageSales-Centered Content(9:17)Content Structure(15:53)Getting Targeted Clicks(10:25)Home Page CTAsChoosing Your Traffic Platform(19:18)Creating Your Traffic Strategy(13:15)Email Marketing Mastery (Trust Funnels)Why You Need an Email List(13:43)Product-Focused Opt-In(18:42)Email Marketing Services(10:29)Trust Funnel Overview(11:07)Trust Funnel TemplateAutomations, Rules, and Tags(10:11)Removing Cold SubscribersPost-Purchase Funnels(13:19)Final Thoughts + BONUSESKey Points to Remember(5:43)Fast Cash Flash-Sale Email TemplatesKeeping Track of Blog Finances(11:47)Secrets to Growing an Instagram Account(10:00)Boost your traffic with Google Web Stories(8:21)Become an Affiliate for Create and GoBecome an Affiliate for Create & GoSix-Figure Course Creator Image (for Affiliate Use)