Roland Bal – The Trauma Care Meditations


Why Most Approaches Fail In Resolving Complex Trauma Or PTSD

…and How You Can Make Progress in Trauma Recovery!

Dissociation (disconnection) is
part and parcel when you have gone through trauma
and are dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress.

Most approaches and
practitioners aren’t aware
of the various layers of disconnection you go through in the aftermath of trauma and
especially with childhood trauma

When there is no comprehensive approach to working through trauma,
it becomes a hit and miss approach.

You might
get stuck on treating one symptom only
, like anxiety, depression, or addiction without looking at the whole picture.

What that partial approach does is that
you can get stuck on trying to overcome
that one symptom only without seeing how it relates to deeper held-in core emotions.

being stuck can literally be decades

You can struggle and try to overcome anxiety and depression for a long time before realizing
you needed to address anger or sadness
and that the anxiety or depression kept that anger in check.

You need the cognitive part
to get clear of what happened to you. You can’t skip it. That said, just the cognitive part isn’t enough to see progress.

You also need to address
what is held in the body
which is the emotional residue.

I have designed The Trauma Care Exclusive Package to
address both the cognitive and somatic parts that are needed for healing and recovering
from trauma.

The Trauma Care Exclusive Package is the summary of more then twenty years of experience in the field of trauma and healing.

Consisting of The Trauma Essentials and The Trauma Care Meditations, I have
distilled the complexities of trauma into a practical approach
which will both help you to understand your symptoms by addressing the cognitive part, and to work through your emotional residue by
reconnecting with the body through somatic exercises

You need to address both
the cognitive and the somatic parts
(a top-down and bottom-up approach), or else the work you do on yourself won’t be effective.

The somatic part of the work is where you reconnect with the emotions held in the body, which
enables you to process what is held in the body

The cognitive part helps you to
understand the various layers of your symptoms
and emotional responses
by giving you an overview or road map
, and also helps you to push the brakes when you go too fast
in reconnecting with the body.

You really
need both to be successful in making progress
, and this where most approaches in working through trauma are still failing.


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