Satori Method – The Art Of Mushin


Master Your Mind. Unlock Your Full Potential.

Left Unattended, Mental Pressure Builds Up… Leading to Anxiety, Frustration, Mood Swings, Depression & Even Physical Illness!

But there is a powerful way to protect yourself from the negative effects of this internal pressure. Discover the MUSHIN meditation method – works in as little as 10 minutes!

Today Doctors Recommend & Even Prescribe Meditation!

He Blows People’s Mind Away…

“Tristan transforms and touches lives through his mastery and teachings of the Mind-Body-Spirit connection. He blows people’s ‘mind away’ when he teaches at my live events and everyone feels changed for the better through his webinars and seminars. I highly recommend his methods and his ability to help anyone who is serious about their transformation. Let him help you on your path to mastery!”

John Assaraf

Zen Martial Artist Cracks the Code to Deep Meditation And Shares His Condensed “10-Minute” Formula!

Dear Friend,

In today’s busy world, we are filled with distractions, stress, and information overload – tweets, Facebook posts and pokes, videos, apps, ads, and a gazillion emails. It’s never been more important to slow down and re-center ourselves. The reality is that it’s not natural to run our brain at this extreme level of stress. Left unattended, mental pressure builds up and leads to anxiety, frustration, mood swings, depression, and ultimately physical symptoms such as high-blood pressure, hypertension, and a host of other disorders!

Since our external world directly affects our internal world, it is essential that we have a practice to tune in and reclaim our balance by mastering our mind. One of the most effective tools to do this is meditation – a practice of relaxing the mind, improving focus, and eliminating stress. I will show you how you can return to center, in just minutes a day, with a very powerful meditation process called The Art of Mushin.

Suffering… Could it be Grace in Disguise?​

“A Journey of Awakening into Consciousness”​

My Story…

My martial arts teacher (Sensei) was a truly amazing instructor. He was full of passion, intense focus, and great love for his students. Chuck Norris actually named Mr. Burbidge in his all-time top ten list as “one of the best Black Belt Champions that he ever coached!”

During my years of training with Mr. Burbidge, the number one thing he drilled into all of his students was FOCUS! His classes were intense, and so was the bare knuckle, barefoot sparring that we did! You had to really train your mind to be in the moment… you could not afford to ‘check out’ or you’d end up with a foot in your face… and even with great focus, that still happened from time to time.

I had developed a very strong body, along with a disciplined and focused mind. This training in focus, especially from the years of sparring, gave me an edge not only in
combat but also with my
sparring (a form of
that came a little later when my meditation training first began).

However, at this point
something very important to me was still missing
; I wasn’t totally confident and free from the fear I was hoping martial arts would end! Yes, I was a Black Belt, yes I was strong… but
I still experienced awkwardness, nervousness, anxiety, self-consciousness, and a LOT of fear.

How was it that being a tough martial artist I couldn’t prevent my mind from totally freaking out when asking a girl out on a date? I’d get sweaty palms, I’d stumble over my words… the whole nine yards. Looking back today, this seems very funny, but it sure wasn’t back then!

I Should Not Be Afraid Anymore!

These feelings really bothered me, especially because I thought that all the intense years of training for my Black Belt would have removed my nervousness and self-consciousness. But as it turns out, external strength and external focus alone were not the solution to conquer my core fears (or anyone’s for that matter).

I was blessed a second time by meeting
another masterful teacher
on my journey. He too was a martial artist and also a natural healing doctor, the now famous herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze. One day after training, I confided in Sensei Cayenne (that was the nickname I had for Dr. Schulze as he used the power of Cayenne pepper to heal his weak heart as a young man).

I told him that even with a Black Belt I was still afraid
and now I was experiencing so much stress that it was affecting my health. Dr. Schulze informed me that unattended stress could certainly be the cause of my health conditions and that
what was missing was my inner focus
, something that martial arts sparring couldn’t give me.

Sensei Cayenne shared with me how he had overcome his fears with the practice of meditation, and that by learning how to meditate I too could begin to develop my inner focus. The instant that he showed me the basics of meditation, I absolutely knew he was right;
I needed to go beyond my self-consciousness and fears, from the inside out.

My Stress And Fear Finally Subsided…

So I had found my next path of mastery… it would be a path of meditation. I decided to dedicate my life to studying the ancient art of Yoga meditation. It required continual practice, but gradually… after about 15 years… I was able to
my old ways of thinking and
I found my stress and fear finally subsided

That isn’t to say that I never get afraid anymore… I do. But I now have a quick and effective way to tap into a place where fear, stress, anxiety, and worry can’t exist… it turns out
there is a state of awareness beyond the mind
where negative
feelings can no longer trouble us

I get that to some this may sound impossible, but I am here to tell you, it really works! There is an experience of inner peace that is real. It exists in all of us and it is attainable by all of us.
This state of awareness I’m talking about is a state of ‘no mind’ – also known as Mushin

It can be accessed by applying the practice of meditation in the right way. With proper instruction, following a step-by-step sequence – one that puts your mind and body in alignment for the ‘no-mind’ experience to take place. And here’s some really good news, it doesn’t have to take 15 years!

The Most Powerful Methods…

I have to admit in the beginning
I found meditation very difficult
; my mind would wander all over the place. Fortunately, I found that if I took my years of external focus (as a martial artist) and connected that concentration to my inner focus, I could get into a zen-like state much faster!

The reality is there are a lot of meditation methods out there, and
knowing how to practice properly can be quite confusing
, even to a life-long meditator (not to mention a beginner!) And those advanced, and sometimes esoteric methods, can make it easy to go off track.

I’ve actually seen some folks get emotionally scattered because the energy they generated from meditation wasn’t flowing correctly in the body! This actually happened to me for a little while;
my whole body would shake violently
because I didn’t understand how to move the life-force energy (a.k.a. Qi, Chi or Prana) through my body in the right direction.


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