Kyle Gray – Certified Angel Guide



Angels are pure, divine, spiritual beings of light whose purpose is to love and support you. They’re with you every step of the way on your life’s journey. Whether you’re looking for energetic protection, guidance on a challenging question or even a simple sign of encouragement, your angels are by your side with signs, answers and assistance – in every single moment. This course will give you the tools, meditations and exercises to supercharge your heavenly connection and lead an empowering and purpose-filled life. Angel expert Kyle Gray invites you to open yourself to divine angelic energy and share this wonderful light with others as a Certified Angel Guide.

Own it and revisit this online course as often as you like!

A Certified Angel Guide is a special designation that works on two levels. Firstly, an Angel Guide has a thriving relationship with his or her own angels; he or she can receive and interpret the angels’ messages and recognize their daily presence. Secondly, an Angel Guide can facilitate a sacred and safe space for others to connect with their angels, and channel healing, protection and guidance in professional sessions.

Whether you’re a healer interested in adding this skill to your professional portfolio or simply want to enhance your own angelic connection to help your friends and family, this course will equip you with all the knowledge, techniques and tools you need to share guidance, messages and healing from the angels.

Nine easy, comprehensive video lessons with Kyle Gray

Clear instruction on how to receive, interpret and convey messages from the angels

Professional guidance on how to lead healing Angel Guide sessions with friends and clients

Step-by-step training on using tools, such as angel cards and crystals, to magnify your spiritual connection

Practical demonstrations of how to protect yourself against emotional and energetic drains

Downloadable meditations, prayers and worksheets to help you maximize your heavenly connection


Nurture your psychic gifts and unlock your natural spiritual potential

Use powerful techniques and prayers to develop your relationship with your angels

Protect, balance and rejuvenate your energy through regular spiritual practice

Work with the archangels and ascended masters at a deep spiritual level

Become a bridge between angels and other people by delivering insightful and accurate professional Angel Guide sessions

Raise your vibration, dissolve negative energies and channel angelic healing

Create your own unique angelic communication toolkit (including crystals, journals and angel cards) to help you to receive clear messages for yourself and others

Help others have their own positive and uplifting experiences with the angels

By sharing the light of the angels with others, you’ll discover profound and exciting transformations within your own life, including enhanced wellbeing, improved self-worth and an extraordinary shift in your perspective.

You’re a lightworker and you’re here to make a difference. Your angels know you and love you, and they see the light you have to offer. It’s time to go out and share that light with the world.


Nine easy, comprehensive video lessons with Kyle Gray

Clear instruction on how to receive, interpret and convey messages from the angels

Professional guidance on how to lead healing Angel Guide sessions with friends and clients

Step-by-step training on using tools, such as angel cards and crystals, to magnify your spiritual connection

Practical demonstrations of how to protect yourself against emotional and energetic drains

Downloadable meditations, prayers and worksheets to help you maximize your heavenly connection

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