Christy Whitman – Creating Money Video Coaching Program


Creating Money

How to Clear Your Energetic Blocks and Deliberately Attract the Financial Abundance You Want, Need – and Deserve

Yes, Christy!
I’m ready to clear my energetic blocks – and learn how to deliberately attract the financial abundance I want and deserve! Please enroll me in
The Creating Money Video Coaching Program

The Creating Money Video Coaching Program

This step-by-step guide teaches the art of manifesting using advanced energy techniques, magnetism, and the spiritual laws of abundance. You’ll learn how to:

Think about money in a way that magnetically attracts financial abundance

Uncover what you really want – and how to know with every fiber of your being that you are the source of your abundance

Fully honor your true value and worth … and experience more joy

Practice the magnetic power of gratitude and appreciation for all you have now – and further open yourself to receiving

Increase your clarity and harmony around money issues … and use saving as a way to affirm your abundance

Change your energetic relationship with money once and for all … so you can finally have mastery over money instead of money having mastery over you

And much more!

What’s Included in This 30-Day Program

Immediate access to the introductory video
, which sets up the course. This video answers “Why is this not working for me?” moments in which you create the money you desire — or you continue to create the financial results you don’t want.

7 additional training videos
, where I’ll coach you on changing your relationship with money and expanding your financial abundance. These videos include both processes and guided meditations to get you connected to and living with your ideal financial circumstances.

4 guided meditations
to help you energetically align with the vibration of abundance, prosperity, and money; release resistance and limited meanings you have given to having money; and shift your relationship with money.

Transcripts of every training video
. No need to take notes – I’ve done the work for you. Plus, reading the transcripts gives you a new way to process the information at a deeper level.

MP3 audios
for each of the 8 video coaching sessions (including the meditations) so you can listen to the trainings and meditations on your devices and take them with you.

Downloadable guide sheets
to help you get clear on your relationship with money, what you want, and any blocks that are coming up in receiving it.

Plus These Bonuses…

Bonus #1 – The Top Ten Money Attraction Affirmations (A $47 Value)
These powerful affirmations will help you:

Open and expand your awareness of what you can have

Align yourself with your soul’s wisdom

Attune with the unlimited abundance of the universe

Bonus #2 – A Group Coaching Call with Christy Whitman on Creating Money (A $157 Value)
This coaching call is a great way to get all of your questions answered. After you go through the program, you will get on a call with other deliberate creators who have taken the Creating Money Coaching Course and have Christy coach you right there on the call.

> “Using the tools that Christy Whitman taught me in a very short time has allowed me to experience exponential financial success. She is incredibly gifted in what she does and makes it feel like fun. The financial success that I have experienced in creating money is all because I learned some incredible tools from Christy, and I use them and incorporate them every day. The results that I have received have opened up many doors for me that I didn’t think were possible, and this is only the beginning!”
-Evelyn Apostolou

30-Day “Your Happiness Is Guaranteed” Promise

My Unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee
I wholeheartedly believe that
The Creating Money Video Coaching Program
will work for you. It’s the process that I used to pay off over $150,000 in credit card debt … finally break the cycle of attracting money only to lose it … and to ultimately achieve financial freedom. It’s worked for thousands of my clients, too!

If, within 30 full days of working with the material in
The Creating Money Video Coaching Program

You don’t start feeling better in relation to money

You don’t start seeing changes in your money situation or

You’re dissatisfied for any reason (even the way the course is designed)
… let me know, and I’ll happily refund 100% of your financial investment into the program – no questions asked.

Here’s What Students Are Saying…

> “Omgosh… there is so much I can say about this course. Where do I start? I had a huge aha moment and felt such release just doing the meditation in the first class. That was such a shift for me….letting go of those cords. I also realized the following day by a comment that my daughter made regarding money that the cycle was continuing through her. I have changed the energy and vibration big time around the green stuff, from the first class.
> Well the day following the first class, I had my first session with a QSCA client and her intention was to release the resistance and self-sabotaging thoughts to money! I used the meditation and the info which Christy had just taught the day before. It was amazing… my client loved it.
> My very talented 15 yr daughter who I just mentioned… just SOLD her first piece of art work. She had anxiety over putting a price on it and actually asking for the money. She did it, she got $45 for her god given talent!! I’m so proud of her.
> I have totally changed the way I think of money and am manifesting it everywhere now. I thought Christy’s comment about paying taxes was crazy… who wants to give money to the govt… but now I get it… we get so much back from it… I just this morning got a call from my accountant and I am getting a tax refund!!!! woo hoo.
> A friend of mine who owes me money sent me cheques to start paying back in July, my kids dental bills are paid in full in July, I’m getting my mortgage renewed for July and will have better cash flow and I just got a new personal training client who gave me a cheque!!!
> This feels soooooo amazing. it is so easy just to change your thoughts and energy toward money now that Christy has taught us. Please thank her from the bottom of my heart.
> Much Love”
-Maggie Slider
> “OMG! I just found out I’m getting over $10,000 back in income tax… woo hoo! And I just got a paying client!
> I went to the bank this morning to pay bills and instead of complaining about paying bills I was telling the teller I’m happy i have the money to pay them! Life is good!!!
> Much love”
-Maggie Slider

> “I followed all the classes. Did the work sheets. Did and continue to do the affirmations daily. Nothing came up except for a penny…to which I gave thanks because I’ve always done that! One penny is one penny more than I had the second before I found it…lol. Still, that was my success.
> Then on Tuesday my husband came in with the mail and began to open it and suddenly started waving a check saying it was for $100.00…from some fee we had coming that we knew nothing about. Well, I started whoohoo-ing and jabbering about creating money, as my husband continued to open the mail. Before he could get the next envelope completely emptied I started laughing and pointing….”there’s another check”.
> Yep, a $300.00 plus check from an entirely unexpected source. I just burst out laughing….it’s always so fun and happy-making when these intentions are met and now I’m manifesting dollars!!! Can it get any better? This is one happy student. (-:
> Believe in the Blessings,”
-Cathi Measures

Total Value: $1,200

Your Investment: Get started today for 3 payments of just $97 or one quick payment of just $251, saving you an additional $40





Creating Money Video Coaching Program






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