Tricktrades – The B.O.S.S Pack


Optionpit – Option Pit Master Class Volatility
Description of Option Pit Master Class Volatility

Beginners Boot Camp
Are you ready to begin trading options?  Are you not sure where to start and how to learn about Options…this course is for you.   The Option Pit Beginner Bootcamp will help traders learn the ins and outs of option trading.  Traders will learn fundamentals, ways to use options in their trading immediately, as well as some basics of spreading including credit and debit spread trading.

Understand the Basics of option pricing
Master buying and selling decision making
Sell option premium effecitvely
Use options to generate income effecitvely
Trade credit and debit spreads for profits
Use options to trade for direction
Manage risk effectively

The best beginner course budding option traders can take

Introduction to VIX Futures and Options

Have you looked at the VIX, VIX Futures, and VIX options and the VIX etp’s and said “why is everyone trading these and what do I need to do to understand them?”  The answer is probably yes… and this course has all of those answers.  Traders will understand what makes up all of the pieces of the VIX and the VIX ETP’s.  Learn what VIX is all about from the VIX masters.  When this course is over traders will know:

How VIX is calculated
The structure of VIX futures
Why the VIX  options trade the way they do
How VIX futures trade intra and inter month
Smart ways to money trading VXX, UVXY, SVXY and XIV
Tips our traders use all the time to trade VIX

In this beginner course traders will capture actionable ides to apply to their trading right away

The Option Pit Vol Primer
Volatility is the number 1 contributor to the success of an option trade.  It is also the most likely downfall of the average trader.  If your goal is to become a professional this course is the first strong step a trader can take toward becoming successful at trading options.  Traders will learn how to apply volatility to all aspects of trading from directional trading to non directional trading.  This is a powerful volatility course that all traders should view.

Understand Volatility and the Greeks
Learn advanced techniques to trade vol around earnings
Use volatility to trade for direction
Take advantage of volatility to produce more income
Ride volatility cycles like a pro surfer
Trade the volatility ETN’s using volatility
Manage risk with volatility like a professional trader
Become an expert vol trader through this course

Creating Income Using Option Spreads
Do you want to be an ‘income’ option trader? Many traders do not realize how difficult it can be to produce income using options. In this 3+ hour primer Mark Sebastian Founder of Option Pit and Andrew Giovinazzi C.O.O. of Option Pit cover all of the pieces of producing income traders need to use. Learn why professionals can make A LOT of money selling premium and you can’t. Understand the steps you need to take to produce consistent income with options.

Understanding the major volatility cycles of a stock
Powererfully intigrate volatility and stock charts
Proven Methods to find income option trades
Trading of options at market bottoms and tops
Mastery of option spreads that produce income
Important risk management techniques only professionals know
This course is a can’t miss for those that want to sell option premium

Mastering Iron Condors & Butterflies
An incredibly powerful course covering condors and butterflies. Learn to master trading non directional condors and butterflies. In addition Mark and his team cover using butterflies for directional trading. When the trader is done viewing the course he or she will have actionable ideas to use right away. In addition the trader will capture risk management and adjustment skills that only professionals use. The major topics of this 4 hour course are:

Execute Iron Butterflies with precision
Trade Condors with Confidence
Create trades using weekly and monthly options
Manage and Adjust Iron Condors when they get into trouble
Adjust and Manage Iron Butterflies
Manage risk associated with these spreads like a professional trader
When traders are done viewing this course they will be ready to trade condors and butterflies

The Option Pit VIX Primer
If you want to learn to trade VIX and VIX etp’s its best to learn from the best in the world. Look know further than this course. The Option Pit team is the best group of VIX traders that are willing to talk about the subject. If you want to learn about UVXY, VXX, VIX options and Futures, and of course the VIX cash itself, this course is a can’t miss. No other place can provide the pieces of the VIX puzzle…and put it together like the traders at Option Pit. Traders will learn:

The major VIX cycles and zones
How to trade VIX options for income
How to take advantage of weakness and strengths of VIX ETNS
The not so secret secrets to buying and selling XIV and VXX
Safe trading of UVXY and VXX that know other company in the world understands
The approaches only a professional VIX trader can apply to trading VIX.
When traders finish this course they will understand how Option Pit traders make money trading these products habitually

Butterfly Intensive
Not only does this course cover how to sell iron flies, but how to buy them as well. It covers when to buy and when to sell butterflies. In addition it covers advanced butterflies like broken wing flies and split strike flies. This course is an expansion on trading butterflies and condors. It builds on the lessons taught about butterflies in the previous course.

Trade butterlies and iron flies for income
Learn to trade broken wing butterflies
Trade flies for direcitonal purposes
Use butterflies that allow you to take advantage of wild movement
Get tricks only the pro’s know
Adjust trades like a professional
This course will leave traders with the confidence to execute flies like a full time trader

Professional Approaches to Directional Option Trading
This course is the next step up on the directional trading primer.  It covers everything advance traders need to know in order to trade options for direction. Trade direction-ally more effectively and like a professional option trader.

Understand the cycles of volatility
Powerfully intigrate charts and directional trading
Trade covered calls and cash secured puts
Pick tops and bottoms more effectively
Execute swing and day trades
Professional risk managment approaches for a portfolio

This course will leave traders with the confidence to execute directional trades like a full time trader

Option Pit Master Class: Income Trading
The Option Pit Master Class on Income Trading, will teach beginners how to think like a pro and those that are actively trading options for income how to trade like a professional. This course will start with credit and debit spreads and move all the way through front spread and back spreads. This is a must for those that want to or see themselves as professionals.

Sell calls and puts
Set debits and credit spreads up like a pro
learn to trade calendar and double calendar spreads
Trade butterflies and condors in a professional manner
Advanced income spreads pro traders know and many retail trader do not know
When NOT to adjust
Professional risk managment approaches for a portfolio
This course will leave traders with the confidence to execute income trades like a full time trader

Options for Gold, Oil, and Other Commodities
This Course will give traders actionable tools to trade Gold, Oil, and other commodities. Many traders are astounded to learn that there are ways to trade options on these contracts to produce consistent income WITHOUT risking catastrophic loss on market moves. In this 3+ hour primer Mark Sebastian Founder of Option Pit and Keith Harwood CTA teach traders to:

Master the ins and outs of each asset
Execute the right trade in these names given the situation
Create trades using weekly and monthly options
Manage and Adjust trades in these names
Adjust and Manage Iron Butterflies
Manage risk associated with these contracts like a professional trader

Mastering Long Gamma Trading

This course uses the concept of realized volatility to help successfully set up long option positions.  Basic skills like quantifying risk, buy ranges for IV and position management are all covered.  Long option directional trading has the theoretical underpinnings to create great risk reward scenarios.

Options for Stock Traders
This course uses realized volatility to help define option strategies and control risk.  It will teach traders to use the natural leverage of options with Vega, Delta and time to generate better returns for the same risk dollar.

Trading Debit and Credit Spreads
This course uses the Option Pit Method of Risk Management, Efficient Use of Capital and Trade Structure to properly set up simple spreads and single options.

VIX Made Easy
Option Pit is introducing a new series of webinars to make option trading easier for beginning traders. We will tackle the VIX first.

VIX intro is our webinar to uncover the secrets of the VIX and discover the basics behind its movement.
VIX futures will teach basic VIX pricing around the VIX futures and interpreting market conditions using the VIX future curve.
VIX options describes the basic functions of the unique VIX calendar and skew to help with proper trade set up based on the edge in options at any point in time
VIX positions helps with basic option trading strategy for puts and calls, call spreads and call butterflies singular to VIX
VIX trading will put all the theory into action to trade VIX options in various conditions using the optimal trade strategies we outline in the course

What you will learn in Option Pit Master Class Volatility

This is a five hour course and a great place to begin your option trading journey.

Options Made Easy

Course 1  Making Decisions:  Why Do You Buy?

why buying options is the least risky with the most potential profits
when to buy and when not to buy
learn to trade options and not the stock

Course 2  Making Decisions:  Why Do You Sell?

what are the reasons for selling options in the first place?
how to price your “opinion” on a stock
what makes a great option sale?
a word about risk

Course 3 Spreads

why use a spread?
understanding spreads and volatility
long and short spreads and making money
why use a complex spread?

Course 4 Position Development

when the market tells you what to do
riding the realized volatility into a position
learn to identify what is needed for a position to make money

Course 5 Position Development and Management

now that you have that position on, what to do with it
how to manage your position with stock movement and lack of movement
adjusting your position for changes in the Greeks