Anton Kreil – Professional Option Trading Masterclass (POTM)


Don Kaufman – TheoTrade

Whether you are a beginning, intermediate, or active trader, you will find a treasure chest of valuable trading education resources, both free and paid, that will help take your trading to the next level. We are committed to helping you become the best trader you can be.
Your 3 Step Formula for Trading Success
At TheoTrade, you will become Masters of the trading formula that traders have enjoyed ever since the markets were first created: Education + Experience = Excellence
Trading Education
You will have access to what we believe to be the best trading education on the planet, including webinars, online courses, subscription services, live events, and so much more.
Trading Experience
It is said that experience is the greatest teacher. Not only will you learn from experienced teachers, you will gain the experience you need to become the absolute best trader you can be.
Trading Excellence
Whether you are a beginning, intermediate, or advanced/active trader, you will love the one-stop-shop you will have with the TheoTrade team of educators, community, and educational services that combine to take your trading to the next level.
What You’ll Learn In TheoTrade?

How to use Butterfly Spreads to take risk 1 to make 5 so you always minimize your risk and maximize your returns
How to use a “set it and forget it” strategy so you can trade up to several times per week without having to continually monitor your positions. Perfect for traders who can’t watch the markets all day!
How you can build your own Butterfly Spread around expected moves with detailed step by step entry and exit criteria.
How the market provides predicable or manipulated ranges for every stock, ETF, or index that you can use to generate weekly returns
The little known market changes that the professionals are already using and you can too!
Butterfly spreads are perfect for small account holders who are looking for aggressive returns with minimal risk
How to minimize your risk and maximize your returns like never before with specific insights beyond ANY classes available ANYWHERE!
Butterfly spreads are perfect for retirement accounts or traders with minimal options experience
Which stocks and indexes make the best candidates for weekly butterflys
What strikes and what expiration period to select to give you the highest probability of success
When to open and when is the best time to close the butterfly spread