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Sami Abusaad – Elite Mentorship
Learn the Unconventional, Unusual, and Just Plain Weird Secrets Behind Sami Abusaad’s Success

There’s a reason traders just like you have paid up to $5,995 to attend one of Sami Abusaad’s Elite Mentorship.
You hear things you’ve never heard before… things that may sound just plain weird if you follow conventional trading wisdom.
For example, you can make huge money on a tiny gap.
You can actually make money by breaking your ‘unbreakable’ trade management rules — but only under certain conditions.
You can skyrocket your trading productivity with 4 simple keyboard shortcuts.
You can buy stocks ahead of earnings and make consistent money.
You can sidestep market makers trying to fool you on the Level II screen.

What You’ll Learn In Elite Mentorship?
Chapter 1 Topic: Trading Gaps Like a Pro

Learn to spot which gaps are significant (professional) and which ones are not (novice)
Use a simple 5point rating system to determine the power of any gap
Detect Tier 1, 2, and 3 gaps so you can focus on the best gap trade opportunities
Understand the ultimate target for a Tier 1 gap
Profit from a specific class of newsdriven gaps that tell you a certain stock is “The One”
Spot gaps that are tiny but that signal a coming megamove in a stock
Understand what to watch in the premarket so you can spot actionable trades after the open
Avoid playing the wrong types of gaps
Read the Level II screen like a pro so you can spot a favorable imbalance that works in your favor
Stop getting fooled by market makers manipulating the Level II
See where Sami looks to get filled on his trades
Defy conventional wisdom like “gaps need to fill”
Trade gaps in a calm, logical manner with specific rules, stops, and targets
Set targets for professional gaps, novice gaps, and mininovice gaps (they are all different)
Know when a gap is exhausted
See how gaps can actually last for years on end
See the kinds of gaps that fail in a bull market
Play both A+ and imperfect setups at the open in a calm, calculated manner
Grab the best trade setups after the open
Pick up Sami’s 5 best entry patterns
React exactly the right way when a swing trade gaps big in your favor
Determine targets using different types of resistance levels (time frames are critical)
Follow how Sami manages his trades the single most challenging and important part of trading
Eliminate the fear of giving back profits too quickly
Avoid getting stopped out of trades right before a reversal in your favor
Properly manage trades that don’t get to their targets
Drop the losing “all or nothing” management strategy too many traders use
Understand the 2 times you should break trade management rules
Get Sami’s method for trailing stops
See what to do differently when you have 2 different targets on a position
Understand how to balance trading theories with your instincts
Stop suppressing your opinions and start learning from them
See what Sami does when he doesn’t feel good about a trade
Know when to pass on trades that look good on paper
Balance position sizing with your trade management so you don’t dig yourself into a hole
Avoid taking bad trades for bad reasons
Get Sami’s personal formula for share sizing
Handle a swing trade that goes climactic in the right way
Understand why volume is overrated, except in two very specific situations

Chapter 2 Topics: Entry & Trade Management, the “Atom” of Price, Trading Earnings, Building a Trading Plan, Money & Risk Management

Stocks follow earnings growth see why that means nothing shortterm
Find stocks that will gap up in the direction of the trend after an earnings report
Understand the basic way which stocks move using ‘The Atom’
Understand the 4 stages of stock movement in The Atom
Identify the best stage to buy and the best stage to sell
Combine ‘Master Trader Keys’ to find the most powerful stage of every trend
Avoid the stock stages that er the worst riskreward ratio
See why “The Greater Fool Theory” makes you money
Get out of a trade the right way even if you don’t feel like you’re right
Avoid being a latecomer to a bull market (which will destroy you)
Learn how to use moving averages to easily identify a powerful trend
Understand when to buy every dip and when to short every rally
Play Sami’s 6 patterns for highprobability earnings trades
Identify strong stocks with low expectations
Identify weak stocks with high expectations
See what a picture perfect preearnings short looks like
Understand how Sami enters orders for his earnings plays
Learn how Sami closes the trades once the market opens
See why options are not the best way to play earnings
Get the best way to manage risk on earnings plays
Find out how Sami sets up his trading platform to speed up his earnings trades
See how a stock can “shock” in your favor
Start believing in yourself a key to becoming an elite trader
Understand what you need to do on a good day and on a bad day
Learn the weird reason Sami uses PowerPoint to create his trading plan (which you will want to copy)
Match your trading to your personality so you can feel good when making money
Take trades that play into your strengths while ignoring your weaknesses
Understand the difference between strategies and patterns
Know the specific environment in which Level II trading works best
Set personal goals that make sense for you
Know the exact profit level you need to hit before trading bigger size
Stay in stocks longer, knowing you will not give back everything
See the amount of profit Sami always protects on his trades
Get the amazingly simple trade management secret behind Sami’s $46,000 day
Protect realized and unrealized gains (they each have their own rules)
Set a max loss per day or per trade
Avoid ever hitting your max loss per day with just a few simple rules
Learn how to get a huge P&L without a huge account
Learn how to manage risk with multiple positions open at once
Learn when to stop trading for a day or week sometimes you need to sit on your hands
What exactly you need to do to turn around a losing streak
Change the time frame on your charts to boost your psychology
Take a lesson from WalMart and completely change how you track your trades

Chapter 3 Topic: Scanning and Planning for Powerful Patterns

See the strategies Sami scans for every day, and why they work
Know when to look for breakouts and pullbacks
Have a specific plan when a stock goes climactic
Learn the 7 signals that recognize a pattern with incredible accuracy
See the ‘hidden’ stage of price cycles that Sami uses for 50% of his swing trades
Learn to handle powerful igniting gaps that give you big trades
Spot the 1 feature of an igniting gap that “tips you ” to something bigger
Identify the moving average that can negate an igniting gap
See when you need to spot a green bar after a big gap down
Understand the only moving average you need at the start of a trend
Recognize how exhaustion gaps form, and what they mean for what’s coming next
See what Sami uses for entry after a big exhaustion gap
Scan for highprobability earnings plays the same “old school” way Sami does
Understand how Sami blasts through hundreds of charts in seconds
Listen for when a gap tells you the trend is over
Learn how Sami alters his exit parameters based upon a stock’s liquidity

Chapter 4 Topic: The Power of the 15-Minute Pristine Buy Setup, Speeding Up Your Trading With Hot Keys

Learn the specific criteria for “smooth” 15minute Pristine Buy Setups
Identify the correct retracement percentage so you can handle pullbacks with ease
Transform a pattern into an actual winning strategy (these are 2 very different things)
Avoid a “buying disaster” by avoiding a certain kind of rally
Know the only 3 ways to find an entry into an uptrend
Manage tight or manage loose they are each valuable at different times
Find the signs that a pattern will actually hit its maximum profit
Understand Sami’s “Bleed” pattern, which is his #1 shortterm trading setup
Skyrocket your productivity with just 4 hot keys
Start using your keyboard the wrong way and make a quantum leap in your trading speed
See how Sami avoids accidentally triggering trades
Get Sami’s specific metrics for automatically triggering orders, including the amount of slippage he allows for (and when he allows zero slippage)
Understand why using multiple Level II screens is essential for fast trading with hot keys
See the special function Sami assigns to the ‘Escape’ key
Take a specific type of chart image after the trading day to accelerate your learning speed
Identify the specific weaknesses that are holding you back, and fix them
Use a special type of software (It’s 100% free) to review your charts after your trading day
Receive a list of “nontrading factors” that are essential to your trading plan

Chapter 5 Topic: Pristine Climactic Setups, Your Psychological Weapons Toolbox

Understand the most powerful setup for a volatile market
Learn why it works so well on higherpriced stocks like AMZN on a certain time frame
Turn a pattern into a strategy by using a small set of powerful factors
Easily spot accelerations and extensions the most important factors for success
Know the only 4 ways stocks go climactic, and why you need to analyze them in two time frames
Learn to play a stock that has exhausted itself
Define accurate targets and protective stops in climactic trades
Understand the one way 90% of all trends end, which is 1 of the 2 ways breakouts fail
Learn the exit rule and which trades it applies to
Recognize valid breakouts by measuring followthrough
See what it looks like when a trader operates out of fear
Learn the 5 simple steps of the inbetween management method
Ask yourself the right questions and finally see your real strengths as a trader (they’re not what you think)
Get to the bottom of the issues that are holding you back
Understand why your trading is “in a mess,” why you’re not aware of it, and why there is nothing wrong with it (because it can be fixed)
Find out why most traders don’t actually want to be profitable (and how to be one of the few that really want success)
Avoid the #1 attachment in life that will cause you to fail as a trader
Stop the #1 activity that is draining your personal power as a trader
Copy the truly annoying thing Sami does that gives him the mindset for trading success

About Sami Abusaad

Sami Abusaad is a professional trader and T3 Live’s Director of Education.
Sami graduated Summa Cum Laude from St. Mary’s College of California with a B.S. in accounting. He then served as a Senior Associate for KPMG, performing audits for Fortune 500 companies.
In 2007, Sami joined Pristine Trading and quickly became an expert in all Pristine strategies, including the groundbreaking Trading the Pristine Method.
After T3 Live’s merger with Pristine in 2015, Sami was named Director of Education.
Today, Sami remains a successful professional day and swing trader, specializing in gap, climactic, and reversal strategies.
He also heads up the following T3 Live programs:

Strategic Day Trader Room
Strategic Swing Trader Newsletter & Training
Earnings Engine Training Program
Elite Private Mentorship