Axia Futures – Central Bank Trading Strategies


John Locke – APM2 Program
Description of APM2 Program
APM2 Program stands for Advanced Position Management and Advanced Personal Management two very important topics together!

Trading Psychology focused on dealing with stress and anxiety
Proper back trading and using back trading to evaluate and improve your performance
Managing the T+0 line using strategic options placement
Efficient use of capital – Trading twice the size with the same capital
Efficient and alternative trade adjustments
Trade execution and live examples
Gradually and synthetically reconfiguring positions back and forth from M3 type position to any of ROCK configurations
Lots and lots of examples
And much, much more!!!!

About John Locke
Since establishing Locke In Your Success, LLC in 2006, John Locke has emerged as a leader in the stock options trading industry. This professional trader has designed many profitable options trading strategies like the Bull, the Quick and Dirty Broken Wing Butterfly, the Super Bull, the Unbalanced Butterfly 1 & 2, the Bear, the Bull vs. Bear, the M3.4u, the V32, the X4 Trading System which includes the X4V14, X4V17, and the X4V22 trading strategies, the Bearish Butterfly, the M3, the ROCK, and the M21 which are used by traders all around the globe. He shares examples of these trades with the public on series.
In addition, John has held many amazing live events such as the Trading Triangle Maui, Ultimate Income Trader, Trader Transformation Workshop, and Advanced Position Management & Advance Personal Management or APM2 which he has also recorded to help the trading performance of traders who didn’t have the opportunity to attend live.
Knowing that the current option trading training environment lacked quality, in depth courses on certain topics, he created these fantastic courses to fill a need in the industry, the Broken Wing Butterfly Master course, How To Best Utilize Calendar Spreads and the Master Class Series.