Sang Lucci – On Demand Options Education


Mytradersstateofmind – Developing Traders Mind
Description of Developing Traders Mind
Developing the Mindset That You Bring to the Uncertainty of Trading Is Essential to Create the Probability of Success
The great advantage of this course is that a group engages trader psychology training while they are studying trading methodology with their own trader methodology teacher at the same time. As you are going through the course, you get to converse with and work with other traders who have the same motivation to get to the next level as you do. Together, you are taken through a systematic process of learning how to regulate negative emotions in trading, develop the essential skill of Mindfulness, and use Mindfulness to develop your indwelling resources so you can get to the next level.
In addition, Rande will lead a virtual classroom in your trading room every two weeks to process and strengthen the skills and tools you will be learning and practicing in the virtual classroom. And, yes, traders also notice that this is a very cost-effective way to learn vital trader psychology skills.
What will you learn in Developing Traders Mind?
How have you gone about training and building your mind for trading? Full of beginner’s confidence, most traders only give lip service to the need to build their psychology so that they can direct their methodology from a peak performance state of mind. Several years down the road, the success they envisioned when they began trading is still an elusive dream. Just parking their emotions at the door of their trading room becomes hollow advice. And, for awhile, they stay stuck believing the answer to discipline and impartiality lies in their methodology rather than in addressing the self-limiting beliefs they bring to the arena of trading.
They have learned the mechanics of trading and a proven methodology but have neglected to develop the part of trading that actually engages the risk of uncertainty with their methodology — their mind. Until a trader comes to acknowledge that it is they themselves who keep blowing up the opportunity that trading can deliver for them, they stay stuck in trading purgatory.
This is when a real student of trading realizes that the psychology (beliefs and thinking) that lured him (or her) into trading is not the same psychology that will bring him the success with his methodology that he knows is possible. The edge he is seeking is in the psychology of self that he brings to his methodology. This is the opening to an empowering new possibility for trading.
This Developing Trader’s State of Mind online course is built for this group of people.