MasterClass Trader – Advanced Spread Trading


Erika Kullberg – 3D Money

With 3D Money, you’re going to have a complete financial toolkit to stop the never-ending debt cycle, stop impulsive buying, completely remove your fear of money, restore your credit, and truly start making your money work for you (just like the rich do)!
Take charge of your finances and your life today.
It’s not just what you need, it’s for the whole family!
Money and Credit: How It Works

Take control of your financial situation and uncover the truth about your spending habits, savings, and debt. Only then can you truly understand your money and take charge of your financial future.

Eliminating Debt: How It Works

Empower yourself to take charge of your financial future by developing a solid plan to eliminate debt, build up savings, and earn more money. You deserve to live a life free from financial stress and worry.

Passive Investing: How It Works

Don’t let your hard-earned money go to waste by leaving it stagnant in a bank account. Instead, learn how to invest wisely and diversify your income streams to secure your financial future. The peace of mind that comes with financial security is priceless.

What You’ll Learn In 3D Money?
Module 1
In Module 1, you’ll learn how to finally create a budget (one that you can actually stick to) because as my student Simon put it: “it’s awful to work so hard yet have so little after paying all the bills” …but by following my signature 5-Step Budget Plan I teach exclusively inside of 3D Money, he says “now there’s a plan to make money work for me” and that’s why we start with Decode, so you can truly understand what your spending habits are, how you’re saving and the fastest way to get out of debt.
And it even includes a proven budget tracker that I developed to make it easy for you to immediately start saving more and spending less.
Module 2
In Module 2, you’ll learn how to increase your credit score​
Maria, one of my students, used what I teach inside of 3D Money to increase her credit score by 150 points! also in Module 2, you’ll learn how to eliminate debt with my 5-Step plan…this is the exact roadmap that I used to get out of $200,000 of debt in less than 2 years you know what it feels like to be drowning in debt, and the stress and anxiety it causes…
where every payment you make barely seems to make a dent, and it feels like you’re trapped…
Now, imagine what it would feel like for you to be completely debt-free and not have any monthly payments to worry about so your paycheck can actually go towards the things YOU want, and to build the savings and investments for the future YOU deserve.
Module 2 will provide the exact step-by-step and tools you need to get out of debt so your once wishful thinking becomes your reality.
Module 3
Then in Module 3, you’ll learn how to make your money work for you…instead of losing out every year to inflation (which will happen if your money just sits in a bank account)​
A lot of people will tell you to invest…​but then don’t tell you how, or what to invest in​
That changes for you today.
that’s why many people never even start
they’ll say: “what if I do it wrong?” And that fear stops them from ever investing.
I don’t believe in just telling you to invest​
I’m going to show you how to invest.​
I’ll guide you step-by-step through learning what stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds and Index Funds are
I’ll show you on screen exactly how to open an account (and which accounts to open)​ and how to buy those investments​ and how to diversify your portfolio​
You’ll gain the confidence to finally invest in the stock market.