Joe Marwood – Hedge Fund Trading Systems Part One


Investopedia Academy – Investing For Beginners
Learn the basics of investing, how to start managing your portfolio, reduce risk, and make smart decisions
This course is for: beginner investors, even with small amounts of money, looking to take investing into their own hands.

Build an investment portfolio focused on creating real, long-term wealth
Navigate Exchange Traded Funds, dividend stocks, and other trading instruments
Diversify and when to rebalance during bull or bear markets
Make your own investment decisions based on research and market trends
Generate dependable, consistent income with dividends, while reducing portfolio volatility

What You’ll Learn In Investing For Beginners

Horizontal Diversification
Vertical Diversification
Strategic Diversification
Position Sizing
Understanding ETFs
Evaluating ETFs
Good Markets Going Bad
Stop Losses
Profiting in a Bear Market