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Stratagem Trading – Collars Mini POT 6-mo Study
Every year in Scott’s POT class he studies at least one collar position for a few months. This time around, the is doing a full 6-month project that comes with him doing a complete journal on the whole trade over the course of that 6 months. On February 16, 2024, Scott started a long-term collar on a stock (MRO) picked by the students through a vote. He will be managing the trade every day for six (6) months. As the trade progresses, he will be keeping a daily journal that will be printed and will be provided to subscribed students as a book at the conclusion of the class.
DYNAMIC HEDGING: The Dynamic Hedging of a Collar is one of the most elegant and intricate events in protecting a stock given the near limitless setups that can be done. Furthermore, the hedges will need to be adjusted and carried along with the stock in order to maximize upside potential, use the puts to buy more shares, and maintain proper downside protection.
CALL: There are times when selling a call is called for and times when a call spread (sale) or no sale is preferable.
PUT: Depending on volatility levels and time until expiration, a butterfly, broken-wing butterfly (BWB), condor or vertical spread is preferable to owning a long put. As a matter of fact, there will be times when owning less puts ers more downside protection than being fully hedged. You heard that right. Though it does not logically make sense, we will be demonstrating such instances. During times of an extreme collapse in the share price of the underlying, the ITM put can be used to purchase more shares without further out-of-pockets costs/investment capital. Who else teaches this?
COMBINED: Over the course of 6 months, we will be having at least one (1) POT class a month dedicated to just the collar. This is going to be the MOST comprehensive Collar class we (or anyone) have ever done, and a must for anyone who owns shares they wish to protect.
What You’ll Learn In Collars Mini POT 6-mo Study

Access to a dedicated Collars Mini P.O.T. Slack channel updates of the trade examples
P.O.T. updates regarding the Collar trade example(s), sent via email; includes Scott daily journal entries
At least six P.O.T. class recordings that pertains to Collars
Introduction P.O.T. class recording done on February 7 plus access to the live class on February 15 (and the recording)
Scott’s complete journal (printed copy) at the end of the 6 months
Final bonus P.O.T. class wrap-up recording