ZestFi Spreadsheet Solutions – ZestFi Options Strategist


Wealth Hunter Inc – Simplified Beginner Guide
What You’ll Learn In Simplified Beginner Guide

What a Stock Option Contract is- Interested in learning what the hell everyone is using to make these crazy returns? In this lesson, we’ll talk about what an option contract is, what it represents, and what it gives you the right to do as a buyer. Hint: It’s all about leverage.
What the Terms ITM, ATM, and OTM Mean- Often people wonder what being “In the money”, “At the money”, and “Out of the money” mean. This lesson will break everything down to you simply and easily. No stress.
What Option Premium is and How it is Priced- Do you ever wonder why some contracts are so expensive and why others aren’t? Let’s break it down. It’s much simpler than you would expect!
What to do to Avoid Overpaying Premium- Are you tired of predicting a stock move correctly and STILL losing money? Are you tired of sweating like a snitch every time you place your trades? Well if you knew what to do to avoid overpaying premium, you wouldn’t feel that sort of stress. Let’s talk about it.
What Implied Volatility is- Your favorite guru never told you that options plays can gain or lose money without the stock price moving. Learn how to keep implied volatility on your side!
What Option Liquidity is and How to Measure it- You see a potential play, but it’s worthless to buy it if you have no one to sell to! Learn how to tell whether or not your contract has buyers to sell to and whether or not it is “liquid”