Walter Peters – Naked Trading Techniques


Trade Simple FX
We primarily specialise in zonal swing trading, using key price action and fundamental drivers. Specifically, supply & demand, support & resistance and key trading zones and measures. Should you decide to become one of our members, you’ll see this is the strategy we implement on a daily basis. Using simplistic measures, but quantifiable probabilities gives us our trading edge.
We also cover day trading strategy. We use effective take profit and entry strategies to maximise probability and profit potential, whilst aiming to minimise risk and drawdown. We cover all time-zones and sessions as we have 100’s of international clients from all across the globe, as well as providing trade alerts and insights covering, FX, stocks, commodities and indices.
We specialise in zonal and breakout trading, using key price action and fundamental drivers. Specifically, supply & demand, support & resistance and key zones. Should you decide to become one of our members, you’ll see this is the strategy we implement on a daily basis.
We use effective take profit and entry strategies to maximise probability and profit potential, whilst aiming to minimise risk and drawdown. We cover all time-zones and sessions as we have 100’s of international clients from all across the globe.
What You’ll Learn In Trade Simple FX?

Accurate market setups
Daily video analysis
Daily fundamental overviews
Daily trade recap videos

Read more about: Trade Simple FX