Edge Trading Group – Edge Elite


Tom Williams – Professional Chart Reading Bootcamp
Description of Professional Chart Reading Bootcamp
2 CD ROM Set contains over 9 hours of powerful techniques to take your trading to the next level.  The following areas are covered:

Market Strength – Establish Long Positions or Liquidate Short Positions
Understand the critical path that leads to all true market bottoms and causes a market to rise.
Discover the signs that show true strength during an accumulation phase
Identify the patterns that signal the end of supply and enables the market to immediately rise
Market Weakness – Establish Short Positions or Liquidate Long Positions
Understand the sequence of events that cause all markets to “top-out” and fall.
Discover the hidden messages that the market sends you, that absolutely confirms the top in all markets
Identify the best area to establish a short position

What will you learn in Professional Chart Reading Bootcamp?

Position Yourself to be Among the 5% of People That Make Consistent Profits in the Markets?
Only a small percentage of traders and investors know how to profit from what the CD ROM’s will teach you.
If you sincerely wish to take your trading to the next level, you must take advantage of this rare opportunity to hear what Tom Williams and Todd Krueger have to say. They will show you how to take advantage of the “footprints” that professional traders leave behind, enabling you to significantly improve your trading profits.