Amy Meissner – A14 Weekly Options Strategy Workshop 2023


Tamia Johnson – Trade Queen Pro
My Trader Friends,
If you are here it is quite possible that you are a serious Day Trader who cannot figure out what you are doing wrong in order to experience total transformation of higher winning percentages in your trading career, However I can assure you that you have a sharp insight for great training materials that will ensure your success. you are on the right track, but first…
What my Trade Queen Pro Product is about to reveal is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced or been told before.
What I do know, is that by you having an optimistic mindset and continuing to learn all that you can, you will soon experience the relief of not having to wonder why you have been struggling for so long on trading with unpredictable and inconsistent revenue gains.
The good news is that this is not your fault because you’ve never been taught this before.
Now I am going to be very sincere with you for a moment, your mentors do not want you to know this information because then, that would mean, you would become more powerful than them and more efficient at trading than they are. You would not have to keep wasting money on the stuff that obviously does not work.
Inside Trade Queen Pro you will learn that this one in a lifetime training is to be used with immense caution. These Techniques have only been taught to the elite of the elite, it’s the underground secret of the Trading universe. They are so powerful in fact, that when you learn them you will immediately start to experience Consistent and Predictable Results.
Your eyes will be opened and you will be exposed to the truth inside this world of trading. You will know which way the market will trend and you will be able to pin point exactly where the market will be 8 hours at a time.
I do this every single day and inside my Trade Queen Pro Training product you will look over my shoulders in amazement and watch me pump out win after win teaching you step by step as I go along.
I will leave nothing on the table, I have created 4 training modules and over 12 videos teaching you step by step on how to become masterful in your trading career.
What You’ll Learn In Trade Queen Pro?
Four Complete Training Modules
First you’ll get 4 Complete Training Modules Looking Over My Shoulders, consisting of Step-by-Step actionable videos showing you everything from A-Z when it comes to Trading the Nadex Market…
By having access to watch these Training Videos over and over again in the comfort of your own home, you can imprint your powerful subconscious mind with all of “My Trading Techniques” including many only known to a very small, elite group of Master Daytraders.
Soon you’ll find that you’ve “programmed” your “computer” (the one between your ears) with the same know-how that only the greatest Traders have. Kind of like mind cloning.
One-Of-A-Kind Chart Setup
Second you’ll get all of my chart settings: (1) I will show you how my chart settings will out perform 90% of the traders on the planet.
You’ll have access to how many days I set my charts too, the number of transactions I set my charts to calculate before each candlestick is formed.
You will get everything from what time I take my trades, the best type of trades to take and much much more…
I’m not leaving anything to chance, you will be well equipped to see how the multi-millionaires of this business take award winning trades on the market every single day.
Most Importantly you will be one of them. You will be a fly on the wall as you watch me pump out win after win right before your eyes and turn pips into cash on demand.
“My Trade Queen Pro Trading Course Comes to You Considerably Less Than What I Had to Pay In Order To Learn How To Trade The Nadex Stock Exchange”
I’ve got a genuine bargain for you. When I was fortunate enough to get this information in person I paid no less than a Couple Thousand Dollars to attend a 12 Hour training session 1 year ago and it was a one shot stop.
I didn’t have any training videos to study, I didn’t have the market up live and running because my session was on the weekend, and I didn’t have the privilege to look over anyone shoulders as they take live trade after live trade showing me what to do and what not to do.
But as I mentioned earlier I am tired of all the BS we are being taught by the so called GURU’s of the world. So I am practically going to give this information away to you.