Michael Hearne – Uncensored Crypto


Todd Butterfield – Cryptocurrencies and Wyck
The Cryptocurrencies and Wyck Course presented by Wyck Stock Market Institute is an online educational course that teaches students how to detect and execute “Primary Trading Opportunities” which are low risk/high return trades. You will learn The Wyck Trading Method to help you identify these trades and risk management techniques that will help you protect your capital when investing.
Combining both these aspects of trading and our teachings on position entry and exit points you will find yourself able to detect the proper points to enter and exit your trading positions.
What You’ll Learn In Cryptocurrencies and Wyck?

Lesson 1: What is Cryptocurrency?
Lesson 2: Bitcoin & Satoshi Nakamoto
Lesson 3: Foreword
Lesson 4: The Basic Law Of Supply And Demand
Lesson 5: Judging The Market By Its Own Action
Lesson 6: Charts
Lesson 7: Buying and Selling Waves
Lesson 8: How A Campaign Is Conducted
Lesson 9: Market Technique and Volume Studies
Lesson 10: Significance Of Trend Lines
Lesson 11: Chart Studies – Vertical Charts
Lesson 12: Chart Studies – Figure Charts
Lesson 13: Buying And Selling Tests
Lesson 14: Refinements
Lesson 15: Stop Orders
Lesson 16: Accumulation
Lesson 17: Jump Across The Creek
Lesson 18: Distribution and the Upthrust After Distribution
Lesson 19: General Instructions
Lesson 20: Market Philosophy
Lesson 21: Conclusion

About Instructor
Founded in 1931 by technical trader Richard D. Wyck, Wyck Stock Market Institute has been the leader in teaching Technical Trading for the past 85 years. Thousands of traders have chosen to learn at Wyck SMI for its proven trading techniques and invaluable proprietary market indicators, rest assured choosing Wyck SMI to help you become a better investor or trader is the right choice!