Xela University – Forex Cruisers


Technical Traders – Trading Strategy Mastery
Trading is a SKILL-BASED occupation and mastery over your trading strategy is the one skill-set that you truly MUST HAVE to have control over your fate.
Mastery means having the Critical Skills discussed above, specifically knowing how to:
You’ll have the proper perspectives, process, and techniques to take your trading method and systemize it THE RIGHT WAY so that it is very ‘trade-able’, complete, and most importantly REPEATABLE for easy and consistent execution. This one is HUGE because a primary problem so many traders have is that their system is missing certain elements and/or qualities that just plain make it difficult to execute consistently and to trade it well.
You’ll know exactly how to properly confirm the performance of your trading strategy so that you have the confidence you need to stick to it.
When it comes to ‘discipline’ problems like ‘hesitation’, nothing will help you more than unshakable the confidence that comes from PROPER confirmation. When you replace your fears with that kind of confidence, sticking to your strategy becomes the natural response and EASY.
Whether it’s simply to make improvements or because circumstances force you to, you’ll know how to adapt quickly and confidently, always moving only forward. Nothing is worse than having things change, your strategy no longer working, and then not knowing what to do. In ’08 and ’09, many traders blew out their accounts and were done with trading because they were lost. Never again be nervous when the markets get turned upside down. Instead, be in the minority that is thriving!
You are about to acquire the one skill set that gives you TRUE Freedom through trading – Trading Strategy Mastery, where you know how to take ANY method, and build a solid, working strategy around it, plus the ability to adapt quickly and confidently whenever the markets go through changes (as they periodically do).
What You’ll Learn In Trading Strategy Mastery

Online Videos that contain ALL the same lessons, learnings, and training that our coaching clients receive
Downloadable Audios of each of the lessons – so that you can review them anywhere and anytime you like to reinforce the learnings
Downloadable mp4 versions of the videos, so that you can watch them on your iPad, phone, or other mobile players
Additional Videos, Templates, and Reports to make you a complete Trading Strategy Master
The “Profit-Potential Calculator” so that you KNOW the true monthly Profit-Potential of every system you choose to consider!
The Process, Know-How, Skills, Tools, and the EXPERIENCE of Trading Strategy Mastery.
You become a completely different trader, FREE from fear, hesitation, and anxiety.