T. Livingston – How To Trade Crypto


T. Livingston – How To Trade Crypto
Learn To Trade Crypto
The advent of cryptocurrencies has ushered in a new and exciting time for traders. There is enormous potential to make fortunes in this space. However, those who venture in recklessly, without a plan, are bound to lose. It takes discipline and a plan to profit from large trends in the cryptocurrency space while simultaneously handling the volatility that is inherent in cryptocurrency trading.
Everything is covered in the course including which cryptocurrencies er the most potential, how size up your positions, and when to buy and when to sell. I also discuss how to spot macro trends in the crypto space so you will know when it is a good time to buy, and when the market may be topping. I’ve even included a section on sample trades so you can see how the entire system comes together from start to finish, over various market environments.
Take a look around and see if this course is a good fit for you.
What You’ll Learn In How To Trade Crypto
The Basics

What is Bitcoin?
The Crypto Universe
Two Methods

Method 1: Swing Trading & Technical Analysis

Crypto Bull and Bear Markets
Crypto Trading Indicators
How To Set Up Your Charts
How To Set Up Your Charts Part II
Entry Signal #1
Entry Signal #2

Risk Management and Selling

Risk Management
Portfolio Rules
Placing Your Initial Stop Loss
How To Handle A Winning Position
LUNA: A Warning

How to Spot Major Market Turns

The Shoeshine Boy Indicator
Another Look At Sentiment
Follow The Leaders
The Bitcoin Cycle
Bitcoin Bottom Plays: 2017-2019

Method 2: Long-Term Plays

Understanding Bitcoin Corrections
Bitcoin: Technical Signals Around At Bottoms
Understanding Bitcoin Corrections: Part II

Sample Trades

Sample Trades
Crypto Trading In 2023
Final Thoughts

About T. Livingston
T. Livingston is the author of Trading Within the Box: Early Entry Points for Breakout Traders, Swing Into It: A Simple System for Trading Pullbacks to the 50-Day Moving Average, and The Education of a Trader. He is widely followed on Twitter for both his educational content and market analysis. After struggling for years to make money in the markets, he was able to drastically turn his trading around through a combination of risk management techniques, buying and selling tactics, psychology, and spirituality. You can learn more about him, his trading courses, and his market insights at TLivingstonBlog.com.