Jesse Elder – The Upgraded Life 4.0


PROOF COURSE: My Flagship personal mastery program for shifting your beliefs, moving through your Fears, and developing a mental framework that is in alignment with your Values, Goals, and ultimate Vision for your Life regardless of your past history. The Upgraded Life 4.0 Program is specifically about YOU, your relationship with yourself and how you experience the world around you. It is about your future, your talents and special gifts. This program is about how you experience your own thoughts and your own feelings and upgrading these relationships In this program, I share with you how nothing in this universe matters more than the way that you feel. There’s nothing on this planet that matters more than you feeling good. Every aspect of your life experience on this planet is worth experiencing to the fullest level of joy and passion and happiness that you’re capable of experiencing. After taking this course: You will experience a transformation of the way that you see your world. You’ll begin to get curious, where before you were cowering. You’ll begin to ask questions, where before you were quaking in fear. You’ll find that those things in the past that used to bug you and bother you, or downright mess with your head, no longer paralyze you. You’ll begin to seek and then seize solutions where before all you could find was confusion, or overwhelm, or doubt. “Jesse Elder has been critical in my business and personal development. What he teaches influences every part of your life… It goes that deep.” -Jonathan Heston Owner/Partner at Kiteletter