The ISVA Proposal Method – Simple 4-line, 35 word proposal got me $2,625 freelance gig


This simple 4 – line, 35 word proposal got me a $2,625 Freelance gig … And you can use it to make thousands of dollars consistently freelancing in any industry! I knew my system worked, so I knew that for every 5 proposals I sent I would get 1 response at least. So then I started thinking “Hey, if this worked for me, maybe it could help other freelancers who are stuck at the “Proposal Bottleneck” So I refined the system to only the essentials, gave it a name, and started showing my other freelancer friends. I call it the “I.S.V.A Proposal Method” This Is Your Own Personal Formula That You Can Use To Close More Gigs And Make More MONEY As A Freelancer! It Works For: Web Developers Graphic Designers Copywriters Animators Email Marketing Cold Outreach Content Writers Visual Assistants Data Scrapers Accounting HR Managers Product Design Sales Experts Tax Preparers Legal Consultants Warren’s ISVA Upwork Proposal Method is pure genius! It’s super easy to do yet so dang effective in making your proposal stand out from other more “customized” and “personalized” proposal. Using Warren’s ISVA Method, I was able to close a copywriting gig paying $100 / hour. Listen to this guy, he’s one of the few who really knows what he’s doing! ” Rom Rulida