Jim Fortin – Transformational Coaching Program TCP September 2022


Clarity & Vision WEEK 1: CLARITY AND WHAT YOU TRULY WANT IN LIFE Do you know what you really want in life? Are you still looking for your why? In week one we’ll take you through a lengthy questionnaire to create absolute clarity about who you are and what you want and then we’ll craft it into a vision that inspires you. After that, you’ll immediately put it into action with a 90 Day accountability plan. If you don’t have clarity and accountability in life it’s impossible to create the outcomes you want in life and business. WEEK 2 Subconscious Identity WEEK 2: STORIES AND IDENTITY THAT ARE WORKING AGAINST YOU If you’re not getting the results you want in life and business, the reason is simple – you are not BEing that “person.” This week you’ll look at the stories you tell yourself and you’ll determine the IDENTITY you need to live from to create the life outcomes you want. You’ll create the exact blueprint you need to align yourself from the inside out – you’ll align your subconscious identity with your goals and vision. Screen Shot 2020 04 12 at 4 25 13 PM Screen Shot 2021 03 08 at 7.38.01 PM 1 WEEK 3 Subconscious Values WEEK 3: LIVING YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS VALUES How are you going to accomplish your vision from week one? Easy. Week three starts with transforming your life from the inside out. This week is about learning how to reprogram your subconscious mind, how to re-wire your undesirable habits and how to  transform your identity. You’ll use this week’s learning all through this program and life. WEEK 4 Subconscious Reprogramming WEEK 4: CHANGING YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS IDENTITY / MIND This week you’re going to start learning how to use The Workshop of Your Mind. You’re going to learn how to reprogram your subconscious identity and you’re going to learn how to use your mind to change anything you want in your life. This is a powerful life tool you’ll use for the rest of your life! WEEK 5 Brain Habits WEEK 5: MAKING YOUR BEST LIFE A HABIT You are where you are because of habits! This week we look at your brain based habits and we look at what serves you and what does not and you start being conscious of the habits and choices you are making. image 2021 01 11 174637 WEEK 6 Commitment WEEK 6: COMMITMENT TO AN IDEAL LIFE Commitments are the bridge between Point A and B in your life and business. You’ll learn how you make commitments, which ones you keep, which ones you don’t keep and you’ll understand how to properly set your commitments based upon your subconscious core values. WEEK 7 Choice vs Reaction WEEK 7: MAKING THE RIGHT AND BEST CHOICES IN LIFE Do you react or do you deliberately respond to life? Do you make your own choices or does life make them for you? Discover the difference between what you think you “have” to do and what you can choose to do. WEEK 8 Self-Integrity WEEK 8: KEEPING YOUR PROMISES TO YOURSELF Keep telling yourself you’re going to work out, lose weight, prospect more and you don’t? That lacks self-integrity. Research shows that learning to exercise self-integrity increases income from 100% – 400% in 12 months with no additional input of anything else. We’ll survey your self-integrity and see where adjustments can be made. Screen Shot 2021 01 29 at 4 27 05 PM WEEK 9 Personal Responsibility WEEK 9: ACCEPTING 100% OWNERSHIP OF YOUR LIFE When you become 100% responsible for every decision you make just about anything you want becomes possible for you. You’re not getting what you want because you’ve not been responsible for making it happen. WEEK 10 Life Interpretations WEEK 10: SEEING LIFE FOR WHAT IT IS AND IS NOT Just about everything in your life is not fact, it’s subjective interpretation and it keeps you trapped in your circumstances. Learn how to discern between the two and how to release yourself from your self-imposed prison of false life Interpretations. WEEK 11 Environments & Relationships WEEK 11: LIVING IN THE BEST CONDITIONS Your environment, at work and home, may be hurting you a lot more than you realize. When you look at the themes in your relationships and the environment you work in, it will become obvious why you’re not achieving your goals. This is why we are offering a partner joins you FREE of charge, because your home environment and relationships truly impact your transformation from the inside out. Click here to learn about this special first time offer! WEEK 12 Reciprocity of Life WEEK 12: LIVING YOUR LIFE IN FLOW There’s a lot of self-deception around this concept for many. Most of us give so we can get. Very few of us give for the purpose of giving. Research shows that sales professionals fall into one of three categories on this topic. Find out which one you are and which one you MUST be to create long term business success. WEEK 13 TCP 2020 Sept devices master Presence in Relationships WEEK 13: IMPROVING AND SAVING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS How often have you asked yourself what you’re committed to in your relationships? What are your core drivers in relationships? Are you truly a great listener? What characteristics of yourself hinder great relationships? Don’t miss your chance to invite your partner on this life changing transformative experience – just imagine how powerful it can be to do this journey together! Click here to learn how this works. How it Works : The Transformational Coaching program (TCP) is a 13-week group coaching program that helps students get unstuck and reprogram the subconscious mind so that they can reach new levels in your life, business, health, relationships and free themselves from their thoughts. How the Program Works: Weekly transformational homework which consists of a PDF and Video and Audio lessons from Jim. These are the core foundational lessons (13 of them) that are essential for your transformation. In order to internalize and apply the lessons learned every week, we offer two live components:  13 Tuesday Coaching Calls – 90 minutes (mandatory)  13 Friday Q&A Follow Up Calls – 60 minutes (optional) ALL calls will be ZOOM calls Details:  Coaching calls are 90 minutes on Tuesdays at 1 PM PDT via Zoom (September 27th start)  Friday Live Q & A calls with coaches are every Friday at 1 PM PDT via Zoom  Weekly Transformational homework  Replays (Video and audio) are uploaded immediately  Transcript and captions available for each replay  Private Members Only Facebook Group Community  Searchable video content (search for anything that was said on the calls) How “Invite Your Partner for Free” works: When you enroll in TCP this September, we are offering a NEW opportunity for the first time ever! You can now invite a partner of your choice (spouse, significant other, best friend, sibling, etc) to go through TCP with you at no additional cost. Not only will you experience complete transformation in just 13 weeks, but you and your partner of choice can now transform together!