Rachel Mazza – Advertorial 101 course


What If You Never Had To Sell To Cold Leads Again? Instead – what if you could make all your leads “ready to buy” before they hit your sales page? Most of my clients struggled to convert cold traffic – spending tons of money on ad campaigns that barely broke even… Until we made one simple change to their funnel that exploded cold traffic conversions immediately. That’s why I created the Advertorial 101 Training Program. It’s a step-by-step coaching program on how to research, write, and publish advertorial presale pages that transform cold or skeptical readers into eager buyers – before they even land on your sales page! How I Use This Simple “In Between” Step To Quickly Convert Cold Traffic and Lower Traffic Costs. As soon as we tested this “missing link,” their cold traffic conversions increased by 80%. One client even increased engagement by 162% across our 12-day test campaign! What was this missing link that finally made cold traffic “work”? These powerful pieces of copy go by many names, including driver pages, customer activation pages, and more. I call them Advertorial Pre-Sale Pages. They’re so successful at converting cold traffic, that I was able to build a successful copy agency with a team of 15 writers who exclusively wrote advertorials for our clients. Now I’d like to show you how to use these “in between” pages to lower your traffic costs, and dramatically increase conversions to cold or skeptical audiences. Here’s how it works… These “in between” pre-sale landing pages – called advertorials – cleverly disguise sales copy as content the reader actually wants to read and share. They sit between the initial touch point – where you first interact with your new prospects – and the point where you ask for the sale. If you can figure out how to create and use these pages correctly, not only will this increase your cold traffic conversions, but will also lower your traffic costs if you run paid ads… … reducing your cost per acquisition (CPA) and putting more money in your pocket. If you have an ecommerce business, affiliate or you run Facebook ads you need to check this course. Because I found one of the best ways to get cheaper CPA and higher CTR is by doing a story or advertorial type of ads. Most people nowadays don’t have the attention and patience to read 3-4 pages of copy. That’s why I think I should study and learn advertorial since they tend to be shorter. Rachel Mazza’s advertorial program is THE key to write advertorials (in other words, pre-sales “blog” content) in such a way, you’ll get very cheap leads with high conversions that’s unheard of. No matter whether you sell physical products or offer services, this works for any business that wants to make more sales and decrease ad spend. So by placing a well written piece of content before your actual salespage, your funnel will be much more successful.