Tej Dosa – Clean Your Inner World- Reprogram Your Mind In 45 Days


Tej Dosa Clean Your Inner World Reprogram Your Mind In 45 Days
Tej Dosa Clean Your Inner World Reprogram Your Mind In 45 Days 1
CYIW is a program created especially for internet business owners who have been ignoring their inner lives for more than ninety days and have reached a point where their revenue growth has stopped. You might be able to connect to the following if you find yourself in this circumstance:You’ve spent a lot of money on courses, read a ton of books, and followed a lot of money gurus on social media, but you’re still not seeing the kind of financial success you think you deserve.
. You go through phases of extreme drive and productivity, but then you lose steam and find yourself passing days, weeks, or even months without making any significant progress—you have no idea why.
. You frequently tell yourself that you will change and do particular things at various times, but when the time comes, you find that someone else entirely is in charge and you are not driven to carry out your commitments.
You can’t help but wonder what your life could achieve if you could let go of your negative self-beliefs, self-doubt, and self-reflection, as well as your tendency to overthink things and get in your own way.
You are in dire need of a breakthrough that will enable you to advance quickly.
If any of these scenarios strike a chord with you, it’s quite possible that your inner world has been overtaken by traumatic events, unfavorable experiences, or unhelpful thinking patterns, which are then subtly affecting the things you do and say.
The good news is that Clean Your Inner World (CYIW) was made just for people just like you!
CYIW is a five-week program that offers a transforming experience known as C.L.E.A.N Training. In addition to this training, you will receive 45 days of intensive inner work on your awareness through THE DAILY PRACTICE. This program includes weekly check-in calls and group accountability.
Below is a summary of what happens throughout each CYIW week:
– Week 1: Return to your inner self. You’ll be able to reestablish a connection with yourself and learn more about the condition of your inner world this week.
Second Week: Let go of the past’s ghosts. You’ll discover practical methods for letting go of and recovering from painful memories or events that are preventing you from moving on.
– Week Three: Face the current situation. This week’s themes center on mindfulness and the value of living completely in the present moment.
Week Four: To generate magic, align your inner and outside worlds. You will learn how to create strong results by directing your ideas, beliefs, and behaviors toward your intended goals.
– Week 5: Live life with courage and tenacity. You will get the skills and mentality necessary to take on obstacles head-on and proceed with unyielding resolve during this last week.
You will come into the program as the person you are now, but you will leave as a different version of yourself if you take part in CYIW. Combining C.L.E.A.N Training with The Daily Practice—which necessitates a 60-minute daily commitment—has shown to be the quickest, easiest, and most efficient way to release yourself from the grip of the past, discover your true potential, and produce profound breakthroughs in your financial and mental lives.
Clean Your Inner World (CYIW) is the program that will lead you to the success and fulfillment you want if you’re prepared to let go of the constraints that have been keeping you back and go on a journey of self-discovery and change. Take charge of your life right now to realize your full potential and stop letting your inner ghosts keep you running on autopilot!