Matt Parr – Tube Mastery and Monetization 3.0


No, it’s not too late to start on YouTube. Our clients and students who start from zero see results fast due to our proven formula.Saturation up until a certain point can be a good thing because you can get in the suggested tabs of other popular videos. However, there can be such a thing as too much saturation if you’re not producing content that is better (higher audience retention and CTR) than the competition.
Everyone talks about too much competition, but what most people fail to account for is that viewership is and has continued to increase accordingly. So, even though there’s more competition, there are more viewers as well.
And, out of all the “competition,” how many actually produce “good” videos that perform well? How many of them actually know what they’re doing and are applying a good strategy?
The number gets smaller and smaller. If you do continue to produce videos better than the competition, then you will see results.