Axia Futures – Central Bank Trading Strategies


Central Bank Trading Strategies CourseCentral Banks provide a plethora of information and trade opportunities in a concentrated period of time. Through a process-focused structured approach, the Central Bank course creates a way of navigating this information and finding the trades available during any Central Bank event.The course creates a foundation of knowledge and understanding of how Central Banks operate, and makes use of order flow drills in which traders can learn specific skills and trading practices through application. Examples of live trading and preparation guide the decision-making process and trade execution style, thus forming a replicable foundation that can be continually used. The course covers currency pairs as well as bond and equity futures.The course offers extensive insight into how our senior and elite traders prepare for trading key central bank events.COURSE CURRICULUMINTRODUCTIONUNIT 1 – Introduction to the CourseTHEORY AND UNDERSTANDINGUNIT 2 – Central BanksUNIT 3 – Part I: Central Bank Preparation, Execution and DebriefUNIT 3 – Part II: Technical PreparationHelpful News Feeds and ToolsBANK OF ENGLAND (BOE)UNIT 4 – Bank of EnglandEUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK (ECB)UNIT 5 – European Central BankUNIT 5 – Replay Skill Development Drills and TestBANK OF CANADA (BOC)UNIT 6 – Bank of CanadaUNIT 6 – Replay Skill Development Drills and TestFEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE (FOMC)UNIT 7 – Federal Open Market CommitteeCOURSE SUMMARY