Thomas Kralow University Grade Trading Education


Original Sales Page: is not easy, and that is why I do not sell short and useless courses. I am offering a full-blown university grade trading education. In my opinion, knowing proper technical analysis constitutes only about 20-30% of long term trading success. The rest 70-80% are made up of crucial trading aspects such as trading psychology, risk management, money management, development of strict personal algorithm, personal trading statistics, correct understanding of “value of money,” correct mindset, correct expectations, correct understanding of trading in general and so on.Only then dry technical and fundamental market analyses. Sounds complicated, I know. But don’t worry, all you need is a little bit of patience and my guidance. I will guide you through each of these crucial steps to trading success!LIST OF SUBJECTS COVERED✔Understanding of Trading✔Trading Psychology✔Expectations & Mindset✔Longterm vs. Day Trading✔Indicator Trading✔Key Market Level Identification and Trading✔Depth of Market Analysis✔Fundamental Analysis✔Core Technical Trading Precautions✔Important Trading Rules Relevant TODAY✔Correct Money Management✔Correct Risk Management✔Complete Thomas Kralow Trading Strategy Explained✔Personal Algorithm Development✔Proper Trading Statistics✔Market Behavior✔How to Start✔How to Choose the Right Trading Approach for YOU✔AND MANY MORE01 EFFECTIVE STARTUnderstanding trading in general, which is extremely difficult to learn on your own and takes a lot of time02 TRADING PSYCHOLOGYAnalyzing potential barriers: personal problems, past experiences, fears, passions, greed03 INTRO TO INDICATOR TRADINGAn in-depth look at a few trading indicators that will be worth your while04 IMPORTANT INDICATOR TRADING RULESTaking note of life-saving indicator rules that must never be disregarded by any trader05 INDICATOR TRADING SYSTEMSKnowing what to look for in the indicators to make correct decisions in the financial markets06 INTRO TO KEY LEVEL TRADINGUnderstanding how the market works and how it moves. Knowing and seeing potential reasons for either a drop or a climb07 ADVANCED ASPECTS OF KEY LEVEL TRADINGStrengthening your level trading skills with a list of rules and precautions. Key levels are simple to use; however, there are a few things to keep track of08 RISK & MONEY MANAGEMENTCreating an ability to exit trades timely; therefore, trading with a peace of mind and fixed amounts of risk09 KEY LEVEL TRADING SYSTEMDiving into the action with the key level trading procedure. An in-depth look at real key level trading examples from real markets10 THOMAS KRALOW PERSONAL TRADING STRATEGYAnswering the biggest question and explaining the secrets behind Thomas K. personal trading strategy. Showing and explaining a considerable number of real trades made by Thomas Kralow11 PERSONAL ALGORITHM AND STATISTICSWorking towards your trading goal with a helping hand from your own unique trading algorithm, and keeping track of your success by using proper trading statistics12 CHOOSING AN APPROACHUnderstanding what works best for you and making a few important choices for your future trading career13 RECAPFinishing up with a summary of everything that was covered in this educational program. Followed by a few life-saving recommendations