Ron Bertino – Portfolio Investing


Unlock the Secrets of Portfolio Investing withRon Bertino Introduction: Master Portfolio Investing with Ease Dive into the world of portfolio investing with Ron Bertino’s transformative course, designed to guide you toward achieving steady and consistent returns with minimal effort. Say goodbye to the complexities and uncertainties of personal investment management and embrace a strategy that requires just 20 minutes of your time each month. Simplifying Financial Mastery Ron Bertino breaks down financial complexities into understandable concepts, sparing you from the deep dive into intricate financial formulas or the need to become a programming expert. This course is your gateway to mastering simple yet effective investment strategies. Outperforming Hedge Funds: A Reality? With hedge funds averaging yearly returns of just 4.5% to 5%, the quest for better performance is legitimate. This course reveals how you can potentially surpass these averages by leveraging diversified trading strategies and managing portfolio correlation effectively. The Holy Grail According to Ray Dalio Gain insights from Ray Dalio, the mind behind one of the world’s largest hedge funds, as he unveils his concept of the Holy Grail of investing. This course will make terms like standard deviation, correlation, and alpha comprehensible, equipping you with the knowledge to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios. What You’ll Learn From “Portfolio Investing”? Diverse Portfolio Strategies:Discover a variety of portfolio strategies that are key to reducing risk and enhancing returns.Measuring Correlation:Learn how to quantify the relationship between different investment strategies for optimal portfolio construction.Surviving Financial Crises:Understand how to safeguard your investments against significant market downturns, drawing lessons from historical financial crises.Ray Dalio’s Insights:Delve into Dalio’s principles for achieving the investment Holy Grail by trading diversified, uncorrelated portfolios. Who Is The “Portfolio Investing” For? Are you seeking a way to achieve consistent investment returns without the high drawdowns? Look no further. This course demystifies the notion that personal investing is laden with risks, challenging the conventional wisdom of relying solely on hedge funds for long-term wealth growth. Course contents Introduction Welcome to the courseStrategic versus tactical asset allocationIntroduction to bondsAsset classesHedge fundsHow data can trick you Returns Getting historical dataLinear versus log scaleArithmetic and log price returnsCumulative arithmetic and log price returnsConverting arithmetic and log returnsArithmetic and geometric meanWealth indexPerformance charts Measuring risk Variance and standard deviationThe portfolio effectSharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, Calmar Ratio, Martin RatioAlpha and BetaCorrelation and R SquaredTreynor Ratio and Information RatioValue-At-Risk and Expected Shortfall Factor models Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)Fama French 3 factor model Permanent portfolios Equal and Value Weighting portfoliosCalculating portfolio returnsReview of 5 different permanent portfolios Moving average filters M.A.F. – single assetM.A.F. – all assets in a portfolio Modern Portfolio Theory Introduction to MPTCorrelation and the correlation matrixEfficient frontierMinimum variance portfolio and mean-variance efficient portfoliosRebalancingReturn vs risk graphCapital Allocation Line, and margin effect on returnsKelly Criterion – optimal fInverse variance portfolioRisk parity portfolio Dual Momentum Review of 6 different dual momentum portfolios Other portfolios Review of two Adaptive Allocation portfoliosReview of two Core-Satellite portfolios Spreadsheets and automationWe will jointly construct spreadsheets that reinforce the concepts presented in the course, using the free Google Sheets technology. FAQs: Elevate Your Investing Knowledge Our comprehensive FAQs section addresses common queries, providing deeper insights into how this course can revolutionize your approach to investing, whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out. Transform Your Investing Approach Today Ron Bertino’s Portfolio Investing course is more than just a learning experience; it’s a journey toward financial empowerment. By focusing on practical, tested investment strategies and understanding the essence of portfolio diversification and correlation, you’re setting the stage for investment success. Ready to take control of your financial future? This course is your first step.