Igor Ledochowski – Beyond Self Hypnosis


Beyond Self Hypnosis Program by Igor Ledochowski Explore new dimensions of your mind with the groundbreaking “Beyond Self Hypnosis” program by Igor Ledochowski. This innovative course is designed to expand the architecture of your brain and push the boundaries of your unconscious mind, unlocking a level of potential that seems almost like science fiction. What Is Beyond Self Hypnosis? “Beyond Self Hypnosis” is an advanced training program designed by Igor Ledochowski, aimed at expanding the limits of one’s unconscious mind and enhancing the mind’s architecture. This program goes deeper than traditional self-hypnosis methods by helping participants create new inner worlds and interact with unconscious archetypes, providing direct access to deeper unconscious processes. Who Is The “Beyond Self Hypnosis” For? It is particularly aimed at those who wish to expand their mental and emotional capacities, moving beyond traditional self-hypnosis techniques to master their inner worlds and harness the full potential of their unconscious mind. “Beyond Self Hypnosis” Curriculum DVD 01: Mentalization Techniques & The “Unfamiliar Room” DVD 02: How to Switch Off Fear, Mindfulness, & Integration Breathing DVD 03: Mindful Mentalizations & Accessing Your Inner World DVD 04: “Mental Gymnastics” & Important Steps When Working with Your Unconscious Mind DVD 05: Rules for Safely Navigating Your Mind & Getting Pure Unconscious Content DVD 06: How to Dial Up Your Experiences & The Power of “Benign Attention” DVD 07: Mindful Movement, Diving Into Spontaneous Unconscious Content & The Strange New World Exercise DVD 08: How to Create Vivid Landscapes with Remembered Journeys & Unconscious Symbols DVD 09: How to Control Mental Experiences Without Over-Controlling & Blocking Unconscious Content DVD 10: Advanced Mindfulness, Grounding & Having Profound Deep Trance Phenomena DVD 11: Transformational Training & Deep Trance Identification DVD 12: Equanimity & Putting the Entire Beyond Self Hypnosis System Together DVD 13: Skills Review & Putting The Beyond Self Hypnosis System Into Action DVD 14: Creating and Inner Practice Room & Experiencing Deep Trance Identification Progression DVD 15: Deep Trance Identification Progression Part 2 & The Transformation DVD 16: The Inner Healer Progression (Physical or Emotional) and Relaxation & Sanctuary DVD 17: How to Practice The Beyond Self Hypnosis System & The Practice Pitfalls to Avoid DVD 18: Setting True Goals with The Beyond Self Hypnosis System & Using “Futurescope” DVD 19: Expectations, A Student Examination of Skills, & Conclusion FAQs Q1: Who is this course for?A: This course is ideal for anyone interested in building and optimizing trading systems, from amateur traders looking to get started to professionals wanting to enhance their strategy.Q2: What will I achieve by completing this course?A: By the end of the course, you will have the knowledge to design, test, optimize, and implement highly profitable trading systems. You will also gain the ability to adapt these strategies to suit different trading scenarios.Q3: Are there prerequisites for this course?A: While having a basic understanding of trading is helpful, the course begins with foundational concepts, making it suitable for learners at all levels. Who Is Igor Ledochowski? Igor Ledochowskiis a renowned hypnotherapist and a pioneer in the field of conversational hypnosis. Originally trained as a lawyer at Exeter University, Ledochowski’s career took a significant turn when he discovered his passion for hypnosis, which he found more fulfilling than law.