Demian Haye Magic Vibrations Healing – Octascension Practice Intermediate Level


Elevate Your Spiritual Practice with Demian Haye’s “Octascension Practice Intermediate Level” Unlock the next level of your spiritual journey with the “Octascension Practice Intermediate Level” course, meticulously crafted by Demian Haye of Magic Vibrations Healing. This course is designed for those who wish to deepen their understanding and application of Octascension spiritual practices, offering a transformative experience through advanced techniques and teachings. What Is “Demian Haye Magic Vibrations Healing – Octascension Practice Intermediate Level”? The “Demian Haye Magic Vibrations Healing – Octascension Practice Intermediate Level” is an advanced spiritual course designed to enhance participants’ energetic bodies. It introduces techniques such as the D12 Light Shield activation, clearing entities using DNA codes, and Tao healing sounds to clear organs. The course also covers dynamic breathwork and the activation of the Antahkarana channel, aiming to deepen the connection between the galactic center and the Earth’s core, among other advanced practices. This intermediate-level course builds on the foundational practices taught in the basic level and is intended for those looking to intensify their spiritual practices and personal transformation. What you’ll learn From “Octascension Practice Intermediate Level”? Learn the second level of Octascension Spiritual practice with 8 new steps.Learn a powerful daily practice of 30-60 minutesDiscover how to activate your D12 Light ShieldClear inappropriate entities using DNA codesLearn the 6 Healing sounds of Tao to clear your organsDiscover a power breathwork technique to boost your health and psychic abilitiesActivate your Antahkarana channelReceive Light Language downloads to strenghten your boundariesLearn how to communicate with your gardian angel or any invisible presence in a safe wayActivate your Diamond Body Requirements It is highly recommended to take the Octascension practice Basic Level first but not compulsory. Description Welcome to the Intermediate level of Octascension spiritual practice!! If you haven’t taken the basic level, you can still join but it is highly recommended to study it before. We are all going through intense shifts and all of us can feel it more and more. Time to bring some clarity and some grounding in this chaos! Here, we are taking our daily routine to another level. On the way to Mastery. After grounding and tuning in with the Earth, after activating some energy systems and opening our psychic senses (basic level), it is time to embrace our deeper potential. Here, in this class, we will explore 8 new steps: The D12 Light Shield activationClearing entities with DNA codesThe 6 Healing sounds of Tao to clear our organsA dynamic breathwork (today known as Wim Hof breathing)The activation of the Antahkarana channel to 3 levelsOctascension Light Language practiceHow to communicate with invisible presences, like your guardian angel or nature spirits.The next level of Diamond Body activation. What are the benefits of this daily practice, that can take between 30 to 60 minutes? A deeper and more efficient level of protection and groundingClearing our field from unwanted energies and frequenciesBeing more healthy by clearing the emotions and negativity blocking your organs and body systemsResetting your Central Nervous systemBringing more oxygen into your blood to feel more vital and awakeActivating a higher sense of connection between the galactic Center and the earth Core, as a Light Bridge.Getting clearer boundaries and harmonize the relationship to your past, your future, your ability to give and receive, your connection to Spirit and EarthReceiving guidance from your own higher self, or from invisible spirits in a safe and efficient way.Expanding the Toroidal field of your heart and allowing it to resonate at 8 hertzConnecting in a deeper way to your own Core and to your own spiritual intelligenceFinding your center and energizing it, anchoring yourself in it and soaring the skies of Spirit!Re-awakening your original divine template This is the natural sequel to Octascension Basic level and you will love it! You can easily implement, replace or add some of these steps in your current daily practice. Many of you asked for it, and here it is! Ready to dive deeper into your own Mystery and Mastery? Ready to truly shine and share your unique Light? Ready to walk the ancient path of the Mystics and super Yogis? Now is the time. Demian Haye Who Is The “Demian Haye Magic Vibrations Healing – Octascension Practice Intermediate Level” For? Anyone who wants to take their Octascension practice to a new levelAnyone who wants to implement a powerful daily practice into their lifeAnyone who wants to learn powerful tools to clear their energetic fieldAnyone who likes to meditateAnyone who wants to support their personal spiritual transformationAnyone who wants to learn new tools to handle the changes that are going on in their lifeAnyone who is in a process of AscensionAnyone who is ready to upgrade their life at all levels quickly!Anyone who wants to become more divine, free and sovereign! “Octascension Practice Intermediate Level” Curriculum Introduction IntroductionHow to implement the Intermediate Level after the firstDescription of the 8 steps of Intermediate level The 8 steps of Octascension intermediate Level Step 1: The D12 Light Shield IntroductionStep 1: The D12 Light Shield PracticeStep 2: Entities Clearing introductionStep 2: Entities clearing with DNA codesStep 3: The 6 Healing sounds of Tao to clear your organsStep 3; The 6 healing sounds of Tao PracticeStep 4: Energizing breathwork explanations.Step 4: Energizing breathwork: PracticeStep 5: The Antahkarana channel introductionStep 5: The Antahkarana channel practice with DNA codesStep 6: Octascension light languageStep 6: octascension Light language meditationStep 7: Communicating with invisible presencesStep 7: Communicating with invisible presences practiceStep 8: Diamond Body activation introductionStep 8: Diamond Body meditation Conclusion Conclusion FAQs Who is this course for?This course is ideal for anyone who has completed the Basic Level of Octascension practice or anyone looking to deepen their spiritual practice with advanced techniques.What are the prerequisites?While it is highly recommended to complete the Basic Level first, it is not mandatory. New learners can still benefit from this intermediate course.What benefits can I expect?Participants can expect enhanced spiritual protection, clearer energy fields, improved physical health, deeper spiritual connections, and overall personal growth. Who Is Demian Haye Magic Vibrations Healing? Healer-Shaman-Teacher: Born in France, 45 years ago, Demian Haye spent 16 years in India, and currently resides since 4 years in San Marcos, Atitlan, Guatemala. He still travels a lot all around the world to gather ancient knowledge to bring it to the world. He studied ayurveda and herbalism with the European Institute of Vedic Studies of Atreya. He became then mostly autodidact and kept on learning from all the teachers, healers and masters he met in his travelings. Discovering and practicing new holistic ways of healing to bring well being, harmony and health in the world,his path crossed many different fields : massage therapy, accupressure, ayurveda, alchemical medicine preparations, alchemy, orgonite maker, Theta Healing, radionics, dowsing, shamanic healing, Matrix Energetics, meditation, yoga, vedic knowledge, herbalism, gem elixirs, incense and perfume blending, and different energetic healing modalities, the most recent being Light Language and Dimensional mastery from the Mayan School of light. He took initiation with his spiritual master Sri Tathata in 2010. With his school, Magic vibrations Healing, he has been teaching since 2005 different workshops : Magic Water Workshop, Water-Sound-Light sacred tools workshop, Be your own doctor, Sacred tools for yogis workshop, Aromalchemy meditations, Somalchemy Workshop, Sacred Journey into the Heart, Magic Vibrations transmissions, Diamond Body activation, Testing workshops, Cutting the cords, Quantum healing, light language, High Magic… He also developed his own brand of alchemy preparations, He built his own understanding of how all these aspects interact in a higher holistic perspective. This is what he likes to share in workshops and retreats, and in his creations. His students enjoy the clarity and the practicality of these teachings. He is now committed to put all his knowledge online and to share it with the world through video classes, books and live workshops. Conclusion Demian Haye’s “Octascension Practice Intermediate Level” is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to advance their spiritual practice and harness their intrinsic energy for personal transformation. With expert guidance and practical applications, this course offers a pathway to significant spiritual development and mastery. Enroll now to begin transforming your spiritual practice and enhancing your life’s journey.