
Ronnie Sandlin – School of Hidden Knowledge

Original price was: ₹900,000.00.Current price is: ₹11,620.00.


Here is the step by step guide on how to get started immediately. This is the beginning of your journey and will help you understand how the whole system works.
Ronnie Sandlin – School of Hidden Knowledge
Choosing Your Domain Name

Domain Hosting Setup

Setting Up Your Advertorial Launch Site

How To Choose An Oer To Promote

Ventriloquist Mindfuck Method

How To Make Facebook Ads Protable Quickly

$240k Solar Campaign Case Study

How To Not Sabotage Your Success (VERY IMPORTANT)

The Dierence Between Lead Generation & Aliate Marketing

How To Find A Network To Work With

How To Negotiate A Lead Generation Deal

The Power Of The Rainmaker

How To Breakthrough In The Internet Marketing Industry

BONUS: The Art Of Closing Million Dollar Lead Gen Deals

How To Scale From $1k to $20K+ Per Day

The Anatomy of a $100k Per Month Facebook Ad

The Simple Formula To A Successful Facebook Campaign

The Secret To Selecting Highly Protable Images

[BONUS] Simple Landing Page Thats Generates Millions Of Dollars

The Secret To Extreme Prot Optimization
The Copywriters Guild
Here is where you’re going to learn how to turn words into money using dark persuasion.

Step By Step Advertorial Writing Process

Highly Protable Headlines You Can Use Immediately

How To Improve The Readability Of Your Advertorial To Explode Your Prot

How To Breakthrough To $2k Per Day With Advertorial Blog Posts

How To Make Your Advertorial More Readable For More Money

How To Elicit A Strong Psychological Response With Your Headlines

5 Keys To A Protable Advertorial

What Is Native Advertising?

Most Expensive Mistake Most Native Advertisers Make

How To Get VIP Treatment From Your Ad Reps

3 Tiered Bidding Strategy For Native Advertising

Hidden Native Ad Networks Marketers Make $100K Per Day On

How To Access VIP Native Sites They Don’t Give Most Aliates

Advanced Backwords Engineering Strategies

How To Access Government Database For Demographic Research

How To Leverage T.V. Commercials Massive Spend
The Traffic Temple
Here you’re going to learn how to drive trac (web visitors) that convert from various sources such as

Facebook, Outbrain, Adwords and many you’ve never heard of.

$660K Per Month With Whitehat Advertising

How To Get A Facebook Rep

How To Keep Facebook Accounts Healthy & Scalable

How To Segment Trac To Improve ROI

How To Keep Aliate Ads Compliant With Facebook

Advanced Facebook Data Researching Strategies

Choosing The Right Campaign Objectives

How To Structure Your Facebook Ad Campaigns

The Secret To Protable Video Ads

How To Create Facebook Ads For Maximum Impact

How To Dramatically Decrease Bid Costs On Facebook

How To Analyze Facebook Reporting To Find Prot Pockets

How To Hack Facebook’s Ad Algorithm

Easiest Mistakes Most New Facebook Advertisers Make

Advanced Custom Audience Monetization Strategies

How To Crush It With Survey Funnels
Bonus (OVER $12,000 in ACTUAL Value): The Wizard’s Chest
Done for you tested advertorials, landing pages, banner ads and more. Everything you need to start hitting the

ground running.

We’ve hired the top landing page designers and graphic designers at a signicant expense for our business so

you don’t have to.

All of these les are highly editable so you can easily tweak them for your specic use. Every good Rainmaking

Wizard should have this in their arsenal.

Landing Pages

1. Business Loan ($2,500)

2. Student Debt ($2,000)

3. Solar Panel #1 ($2,500)

4. Solar Panel #2 ($2,500)

5. Addiction / Rehab ($2,500)

Total ACTUAL Value: $12,000


1. Brain Pills ($1,000)

2 Business Loans ($1 000)
2. Business Loans ($1,000)

3. Dyslexia ($1,000)

4. Franchise Your Business ($1,000)

5. Pharmaceutical Rep Class Action ($1,000)

6. Gym Owners Training Program ($1,000)

7. U.K. Pension Leads ($1,000)

8. Web Security ($1,000)

Total ACTUAL Value: $12,000

Banner Ads

1. 1. Addiction / Rehab ($200)

2. Auto Accident ($200)

3. Auto Accident Variation #2 ($200)

4. Attract Attorney Clients ($200)

5. Attract Attorney Clients #2 ($200)

6. Business Loans / Merchant Cash Advance ($200)

7. Back & Knee Brace ($200)

8. Credit Card Debt Relief ($200)

9. Credit Repair ($200)

10. Dyslexia Relief ($200)

11. Divorce / Mediation ($200)

12. DUI / Licensed Revoked ($200)

13. Franchise Your Business ($200)

14. Lead Provider Inquiry ($200)

15. Motorcycle Injury ($200)

16. Personal Injury ($200)

17. Personal Injury #2 ($200)

18. Probate ($200)

19. Student Debt ($200)

20. Student Debt #2 ($200)

21. Tattoo Parlor ($200)

22. Tendonitis ($200)

23. Yoga Instructor Training ($200)

Total ACTUAL Value: $4,600

Who Should NOT Buy

If you’re living paycheck to paycheck and don’t have any sort of savings

You haven’t at least put up a website before once in your life

You’re a tire kicker, time waster and or moocher

You haven’t fully committed and don’t believe this is possible for you in your life