
Freelance Colorist Masterclass – Waqas Qazi

Original price was: ₹299,100.00.Current price is: ₹11,620.00.


Freelance Colorist Masterclass – Waqas Qazi

Freelance Colorist

The only course on the planet that gives you the technical chops AND shows you how to become a successful Freelance Colorist .

NO COLOR GRADING experience required.
Learn from Basics to Mastering Color Grading.
I teach you to become a TASTEMAKER rather than just another colorist.
Weekly coaching videos with tailor-made feedback.
Access to the exclusive Facebook group.


This course is designed to cover the hard skills you need to go from beginner to pro along with the necessary soft skills to help you become profitable.


Every week, FCM members submit their entries for the challenge and I go through each one in detail and provide tailor-made feedback. Students describe this as “worth more than 4 years of a college education.”


Most join FCM to be part of the best color grading community with thousands of colorists willing to help and inspire each other daily.


Receive EXCLUSIVE discounts on Filmconvert and DaVinci Resolve Studio. Only available for Members!


I teach you to take your skill & passion and transform it into a sustainable freelance career that will change the trajectory of your life.

Waqas Qazi

I’m a professional colorist and have had the privilege to work with brands like Vizio, Speedo, Intel, Infiniti, Lexus, and more.

I made $234,700 as a Freelance Colorist last year…

Here is a screenshot from my quickbooks account from last year. This requires massive amounts of hard work and my results are in the top 1%. But, it is possible.

What I learned even just in an hour after working with Qazi’s Masterclass is worth more than years of trying to figure it out on my own.

Bobby Hicks

Qazi has a way of getting to the heart of the matter without wasting time on things that aren’t important. His course is designed to help you understand the why behind the how and teach you principles that will guide you as a colorist.

Gabi Bucataru

I personally was able to quit my job and go full time freelance and Qazi’s course helped me do that.

Josh Miller

Every single week we are submitting grades and Qazi is taking the time to review every single one that in itself is worth the cost of the masterclass.

Brian Strombeck

I love that Qazi keeps updating the course every so often, so you may end up having way more content on the masterclass than what it was originally described, which is an awesome bonus.

Daniela Rodriguez

Turned free work into paid work and hopefully a long term client! This was a 1 day timeline. Thanks brother! Just wanted to show you WHY I have no problem promoting your masterclass to my friends. It’s great material.


The course has been 110% worth the money. The fact that you reply personally to emails with help and advice is unheard of and you can’t put a price on.

Joe Watson

I’ve read many books about color correction, and took many online courses, and I can say confidently that the content of this course exceeded all expectations! It really is THE ULTIMATE COURSE

Almuthana Kutbi

I saw your course one time, two times, three times.. and now I’m working on it for the fourth time and you know what? Every time I learn new skills.

Nicola Allegri

You helped me unleash the full potential of my RED camera. I feel like I owe you cause this course was like 500 bucks, the return on knowing this information is like millions over someone’s career.

Dan Geyer

I’ve been grinding like crazy: emailing, dms, everything, and I had an interview today, and they hired me on the spot! Couldn’t have done it without your help!

Will Arcinas

Just even in terms of the colour correction module, the toolkit in this module alone is worth the price.

Paul Handley

I can confidently finish my images from concept to completion now, and look forward to that confidence and skillset growing over time.

Grant Cooper

I’ve watched it like 4 times already bro. I have gotten a lot better. I feel bulletproof.

Thiery Kern Sanon

Hell yeah! I just took an in person class today… not even close to your freelance colorist lessons man!

Chris Saenz

Thanks for sharing this knowledge and democratizing this powerful tool.

Ezra Gentle

I learned to color from basic to advance in a few months.

Braion Marçal

Qazi’s FCM is something that I feel like anyone at any level can gain something from.

Joel Black

I definitely would not be anywhere close to where I am in my skills without FCM and buying the course was honestly one of my best investments over the last year.

Cameron Marygold


Module 1: CONFORM

In this module, I’m gonna take you through the two most commonly used ways to bring the footage in and out of Resolve: Round Tripping and Bake and Blade. I’m going to show you two different methods for each.

Module 2: CAMERAS

In this module, I’m gonna take you through some of the major camera manufacturers, and show you how to properly work with each one to get the best results. You’re even going to get access to a vast library of footage shot by professional Cinematographers.


In this module, what you’re going to learn will help you work on projects like documentaries, corporate, travel, and wedding videos. This is key. It’s the most important thing when it comes to color grading.


In this module, I’m going to show you how to match footage from the same cameras as well as how to work on a project that was shot with multiple cameras and create a seamless look. This is what separates the pros from the amateurs.


In this module, We’re going to learn to become a tastemaker and that’s the difference between you getting paid a normal day rate to whatever you want. I’m going to show you how to work on short films, commercials, music videos, and feature films. We’re going to create some of the hottest looks in the industry today. Last but not least, I’m going to show you how to use LUTs properly instead of falling into the trap of every rookie wanna be a colorist.


In this module, I’m going to talk about how to build a studio regardless of your budget. Anywhere from basic to the high-end studio, where you can work on 4K footage. I will also talk about how to properly set up your room for color grading.


In this module, I’m going to show you how to get paid through social media. I’ll be sharing step-by-step guides on how to work on commercials, music videos, and films. Most importantly, I’m going to bust the biggest myth, which is how much you should be charging as a Colorist or a Freelancer.

Module 8: BONUS

In this module, I’m going to keep adding new and exclusive tutorials and hacks that will help you stay ahead of the curve.

Module 9: YOUTUBE

In the module, I’m going to add the course materials to my most popular YouTube videos for you to practice along.


This module will include the course materials (footage and project file) for professional work I have done for companies and filmmakers around the world.


This is without a doubt everyone’s favorite part of FCM. From getting tailor-made feedback on your weekly competition entries to building a wide network with industry professionals this private community got exclusive perks for days!!


Brian’s consistency, talent, and professionalism secured his victory in Season 2 of the FCM Challenge.