
Jaiya – Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Complete Program

Original price was: ₹299,100.00.Current price is: ₹18,260.00.


int Breakthrough Complete Program (8 Modules)Erotic Blueprint Breakthroughâ„¢ Course
Jaiya – Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Complete Program

What are the Benefits?

Erotic Blueprintsâ„¢: a sex life hack so specific, thousands of of my clients have used them to create deep connection and sexual satisfaction

Erotic Language for

Total Turn On

Playful Tools for Sexy Satisfaction

Touch skills &

Sex Techniques

Intimacy and Connection

Vibrant Sexual Vitality

Increased Attraction

Yes, you can find sex techniques everywhere, but…
Erotic Blueprintâ„¢ Breakthrough Course is a transformative system designed to inspire deep connection and total sexual satisfaction.
Imagine mastering the mysterious language of the erotic arts.
You’re able to express exactly what you want, how you want it and get it.
If you’re like me, and you want to:

Have every aspect of your erotic self fed and fulfilled
Re-Ignite passion, attraction and sexual satisfaction
Connect more deeply with yourself and your lover(s)
Be heard, seen and felt without judgment and shame
And take your sex life to the next level

There’s one place where you can get it all …

Erotic Blueprint Breakthroughâ„¢ Course

Get The Results You Crave…

8 Weeks of In Depth Trainings with Jaiya and Ian

Week 1:

Orgasmic Orientation

Setting yourself up for success: what you’ll learn and how to take action
Using easy wins to accelerate your erotic transformation
Understanding empathy as your best support for radical transformation
Connecting with yourself, your partner and our Erotic Community

Week 2:

Core Erotic Blueprintsâ„¢

Discover the 5 Sexuality Stages, 5 Erotic Types and 4 fundamental pathways that could enhance (or destroy) your sexual health and pleasure
Begin to map your Core Erotic Blueprintâ„¢ and open to orgasmic vitality
Clarify where you need to focus your energies to attain greater levels of erotic fulfillment
Find deeper connection and mutual fulfillment by gaining empathy for other people’s pleasure map

Week 3:

Deliciously Determining Blueprints

Become an erotic detective, sleuthing your way to love making mastery
Practice touch and talk games to determine your own or someone else’s Blueprint in the course of an evening!
Secrets to interviewing and observing others so you determine what erotic techniques would turn them on the most
An introduction to turn on techniques for all 5 Blueprint Types

Week 4:

Frequently Feeding the Blueprints

Get the touch you crave: Live demonstrations of erotic play for each Blueprint Type
Skills for flirting and seducing in the Blueprints
Learn to articulate your sexual needs and get them fed and fulfilled
Gain confidence that you can satisfy a lover like never before

Week 5:

Seductively Speaking the Blueprints

Confidently speak the most arousing words inside and outside the bedroom
More than words: Use congruent body language destined to turn up the crave
Play a special game to uncover the hottest words for your own or a lover’s arousal
Whispering, emailing or sexting the right word and phrases to make a lover hunger for you

Week 6:

Holistically Healing Blueprints

Healing the shadow of your Blueprint opens you to more pleasure and more connection
Create deeper erotic freedom when you uncover the roots of any blocks you have
Take steps to overcome and breakthrough physical, emotional, biochemical or energetic obstacles that hold you back
Transform your biggest obstacles into your deepest pathways for pleasure

Week 7:

Expertly Expanding the Blueprints

Expand your palette and discover erotic satisfaction you didn’t know possible
Increase your lover’s satisfaction by learning to play in their Blueprint
Gain easier access to orgasm, orgasmic states and superpower sex skills
Get on the path to Erotic Mastery

Week 8:

Hot Sex for a Lifetime

Get the plan to have a thriving, hot sexuality for the rest of your life
Learn the secrets for a life of lasting passion, ravishment, connection and crave
Couples: Learn what you need to keep it hot for a lifetime
Singles: learn the pleasure pathway to have an empowered sexual journey
Celebrate your Erotic Evolution as we complete the Erotic Blueprint Breakthroughâ„¢ Course!

How Will This Course Get Me Results?

>> Click Here to Find Out How << Claim Your Erotic Breakthrough Enroll Now! And Claim Sexy Satisfaction! How Much Pleasure Can You Stand? Hear What Our Clients Have to Say… “We’ve been together for 33 years now…. We’ve taught 10s of thousands of people on the art of Sacred Sexuality. When we came to the (Blueprint) training… I said, ‘My goodness’ This is the next evolution of nuance, the next level of sexual understanding. Our compatibility has gone through the roof… How to be pleased. How to ask to be sexually pleased. How to please you (your partner) sexually. How to experience, not only the orgasms we were already having and the ecstatic pleasure that we were already living, but now to have it magnify and multiply and go to whole new levels. It feels like we’re starting our relationship again! Like fresh and brand new! ~ Satyen and Suzanne Raja “It just changed everything! I woke up. I was starving before that. I felt like everyone was at the banquet and I was squished up against the window pane just dying of hunger. Through the Blueprints I found out that I’m a Shapeshifter. I need everything. I need More. And that’s what I have now.It’s so much abundance… It’s about pleasure and it’s real. I’m not pretending, I’m not faking. I’m just bringing my complete self, however I am!” ~ Anne More “We have this common language of what our Blueprints are feeling day to day and we can meet each other that way. Sex becomes this fun playground for us now” ~ Sabrina and Genevieve Enroll Today and Get These Hot Bonuses! Bonus #1 Lifetime Membership to Erotic Freedom Club (Our Exclusive Online Community) The Transformational Power of Community: Studies confirm that adopting new habits, integrating new learning and sustaining transformation is much more likely to happen with the support of a like minded community. In Erotic Freedom Club You’ll Get: Skilled mentorship to deepen and accelerate your growth Pleasure practices, skills and strategies for total sexual fulfillment A place to be vulnerable, raw and real with your sexuality Courage to push the edge of your own desire Incredible brainstorms on how to take your pleasure to the next level Ideas for Adventure Dates, Sex Life Practices and Sexy Sex Life Challenges And some of the most loving, thoughtful and supportive connections you could ever imagine! The wild intimacy and courageous exploration shared by the members of Erotic Freedom Club is off the hook inspiring. Monthly Benefits of being an Erotic Freedom Club Member: Pleasure Mastery Group Coaching Calls: Get personalized coaching on this intimate group call. Receive One-On-One coaching with Jaiya, Ian or one of our Erotic Blueprint Master Trainers Specific tools and strategies for total sex life satisfaction Personalized feedback to blow past blocks Sex life secrets and practices for erotic expansion Communication training so you can get your needs fed and fulfilled Our VIP clients invest multiple 5 figures to get this kind of one-on-one coaching with us and our highly trained Coaches. Decades of erotic expertise of these sexuality masters is made available to you simpy for being a member of the club. And yes, when you enroll in Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ Course, you get lifetime access to these monthly calls Sexy Sex Labs: We deliver more tantalizing treats monthly inside the club: Sex Life Games, Practices, Challenges to supercharge your sex life Adventure Date Ideas to increase irresistible magnet attraction in your long term relationship or to create unforgettable dates for your new amour Bonus recorded trainings available at your fingertips, like: Erotic Blueprint Immersion Classes to expand your erotic range, Dozens of Sexy Sexy Labs for hot ideas for your erotic exploration… What People Say About Erotic Freedom Club I Feel Deeply Fulfilled and Empowered! “Now, I’m constantly uncovering opportunities for sexual joy in my everyday life, I feel deeply fulfilled and empowered… and I feel connected to a whole community of people committed to the same exploration.”– Julie M. 12345 I’m so proud of Erotic Freedom Club and I’m in awe of the vulnerability and courage on display. It’s just plain Hot! Bonus #2 Empowered Erotic Persona Experience Reclaim Every Ounce of Your True Erotic Self! The Erotic Persona Course unleashes potent and playful parts of your sexuality that have been buried or hidden due to fear, shame and even trauma. Are you committed to increasing expression, adventure and fulfillment in your sex life? Are you ready to… Unleash Your Unabashed Sexuality Change the relationship you have with fear and shame Embody aspects of your sexuality that you’ve buried deep inside Bring to life your erotic alter-egos and reclaim your sexual power Transform your life in and outside the bedroom. The Erotic Persona Course is for you! Empowered Erotic Persona Course is a 6-part, interactive course where you find pieces of your sexuality that you have desired to express and experience. Through this deeply rewarding and nurturing process, you bring these pieces of your sexuality to life in your body. How do they walk, talk and feel pleasure. What do they crave and how do they go about getting it? What clothing do they wear; what music do they love; how do they make or take love!!? This isn’t a game of dress up… Discover a new you! The value of Erotic Persona Course is truly immeasurable. Applying this work to your life can create rapid and powerful transformation. This bonus alone is worth far more than your investment in the Blueprint Course! Bonus #3 The Adventure Date Success System Handbook and Video Class Are you ready to turn up the heat and create life-long passion and irresistible magnetic attraction in your love life? Learn the art of Adventure Dating, and use Mystery, Obstacle and Novelty/Naughtiness to create anticipation and tease, lusty desire and intense erotic heat. For couples: If things have become routine or stale in your relationship, reignite that “I can’t keep my hands off of you” passion. For singles, design mind-blowing, unforgettable rendezvous that separate you from the pack. Warning: you may set the bar so high, no other suitor can compete. This Bonus Includes: The Adventure Date Success System Handbook and Video Class: Take dating from mundane to magical Create intoxicating anticipation in your lover using Mystery, Obstacle, Novelty and Naughtiness Use the Adventure Date interview worksheet and discover what your lover truly desires Get the step by step process for Adventure Dating and assure your sexy success The Adventure Date Success System Workbook and Class is a $300.00 value, but yours with no additional investment, when you enroll in Erotic Blueprint™ Breakthrough Course today!