
Robert Allen – 30 Days to $9K

Original price was: ₹299,100.00.Current price is: ₹3,320.00.


A new challenge, showing you:

How to land high-paying clients

Robert Allen – 30 Days to $9K

Write converting copy
And make a living writing online

In just 30 days.

“I’ve made $8,900 since joining … It’s like the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Goutaman Ramachandran

“I joined other writing courses before this and all of them shared the same information just in different words. But once I got into 30 Days to $9K, a whole new world opened up to me. You will not regret it.”

Emilia Tanase

“The best thing about 30 Days to $9K is that Rob gives you everything. Actual scripts. Email templates. Sales training. All you have to do is fill in the blanks and it works!”

Royce Blake

“It’s been a game-changer in how I approach my business. I was so focused on the idea of learning and perfecting the skill of copywriting itself that I was blind to what is really important… Rob helped me realize the one thing I was missing that was is crucially important to growing as a direct-response copywriter. I lacked focus on the thing that really matters: Getting clients results.”

Wesley F.

No fluff, just a simple process that works

Many freelancers struggle to grow their businesses. They say, “getting clients is hard!” and “client work is the worst.” Not me. Over years, my copywriting business has only continued to grow beyond 6 figures. Not because I’m smart. But because of a simple system I developed for getting clients and getting paid.

Course curriculum

Challenge Prep
Welcome to the 30 Days to $9k Challenge!
The Mindset of Successful Freelancers
[Productivity secrets] How to plan your day for maximum leverage
Goal setting: how much money can you make as a freelance writer?
Your copywriting crash course
How You’ll Get Clients (An Overview)
The tools you’ll need as a freelance copywriter
4 Myths That Ruin Would-Be Freelancers (Believe Them At Your Own Risk!)
Challenge Prep Quiz! Take This To Make Sure You’re Ready To Move Ahead

Days 1-10

The #1 secret to freelance success (it’s not what you think)

How to find the perfect clients

[Cheat sheet] 104 leads for your freelance business

Cold Outreach Training

[SCRIPT] 4-part copy-paste script you can use to get clients

Tapping into your warm market for leads

The perfect foot-in-the-door offer

[EXAMPLE EMAIL] – How to follow up with clients AFTER your call

Example Proposal to Send AFTER Your Sales Call (Page 1)

Example Proposal to Send AFTER Your Sales Call (Page 2)

Sales Training: How to close 4 and 5 figure deals even if you suck at sales and hate talking about yourself

Days 1-10: Quiz

Days 11-25

Why you don’t need perfect copy

3 high-converting email series

[Download] The $192,000+ Welcome Series You Can Model

[Download] The 10-Part Cart Abandon Sequence That Turns Browsers Into Buyers

Advanced Email Tips

Even more advanced email tips

Cross sell emails: The hidden secret to profits

[DOWNLOAD] 2x The Value of Customers with This Cross-Sell Sequence


Days 11-25: Quiz

Days 26-30

Why You Should Always Beat Deadlines

The art & science of a handover call

Deliverables Example- How To Send Your Work To Clients.png

Turning 1 project into 2

Other high paying services you can offer

Days 26-30: Quiz

Day 31 and beyond

Setting up your website

How To Flood Clients with 1 Guest Post

Retainer vs Projects

Invoicing Secrets

4 additional income streams

Day 31 and beyond: Quiz

Q&A Calls

Q&A Call – 11/29 (Black Friday Madness)

Q&A Call – 12/6 (What if my client doesn’t do email)

Q&A Call – 12/11 (Video teardown and more)