
Mani Vaya – Double your productivity by 5 PM Tomorrow

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The complete 10 step process

In this program, I will give you a very simple 10 step process that you can apply today to double your productivity by 5 PM tomorrow.
Mani Vaya – Double your productivity by 5 PM Tomorrow
I personally read and summarized 50 of the world’s greatest productivity books and in the process I also figured out what were the best, most important ideas that one needed to apply every single day in order to be extremely productive.
Once I ed applying these ideas, my productivity sky rocketed and hence I decided to put all of these ideas into a really simple step-by-step program so that anyone could follow this blueprint and Double their productivity by 5 PM the next day.
It is not Magic. It is just a really simple productivity system that works. You don’t have to be a productivity genius to apply these ideas. I have laid them out in a really simple step-by-step fashion so that anyone can apply them and get tremendous results from it!

Your Instructor

Mani Vaya

Former Physicist, Electrical and Computer Engineer now reading and summarizing books all day long

Course Curriculum

Steps 1-7: Planning

Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow – Step 1 (4:44)
Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow – Step 2 (3:19)
Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow – Step 3 (3:26)
Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow -Step 4 (5:54)
Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow – Step 5 (4:10)
Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow – Step 6 (10:15)
Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow -Step 7 (3:44)

Steps 8-9: Execution

Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow – Step 8 (4:43)
Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow – Step 9 (12:56)

Step 10 – Review

Double Your productivity by 5PM Tomorrow – step 10 (2:55)

Downloadable Worksheet

Downloadable Worksheet


Working with the Worksheet (5:00)

Double Your Productivity by 5 PM – Mindmap

Clickable Mindmap

Key Concepts

Plan Your Work – Work Your Plan (2:30)
Focus on Highest Leverage Activities (1:31)

What to do if you don’t control your schedule

Target Pomodoros

Frequently Asked Questions

Review – How much time should I spend on it? When should I do it? (3:43)
Daily Learning Habit/Ritual (3:31)
My Personal To-Do/Mgmt System (3:17)

Group Coaching Call Recordings

Feb 2019 (25:25)
Mar 2019 (15:46)
April 2019 (28:16)
Sept 2019 (59:03)
May 2019 (43:50)
Feb 2020 (43:30)
Mar 2020 (49:51)

Goal Achievement Workshop

LIVE Call Schedule