
Richard Sears – 2-Day Experiential Course: MBCT From Start to Finish

Original price was: ₹132,000.00.Current price is: ₹13,280.00.



CBT has a long history of helping clients break free from negative thoughts. But have you ever found that the more you challenge your client’s thoughts, the worse they get?
Richard Sears – 2-Day Experiential Course: MBCT From Start to Finish
The evidence for using mindfulness is also exploding in the clinical research literature. Unfortunately, if used to help clients temporarily feel better, you might be reinforcing avoidance of their thoughts and feelings, making them worse in the long run!
I am often asked how CBT and mindfulness can work together. After all, CBT is all about change, and mindfulness emphasizes acceptance of reality in this moment. The answer is simple: we must accept reality as it is in order to effectively build a life worth living.
With Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), you get the best of both CBT and mindfulness. MBCT is an empirically-validated intervention with decades of research support. The 8 sessions of the formal MBCT protocol is a “boot camp” for clients and clinicians to systematically learn and experience the subtle and sophisticated principles of mindfulness and CBT. The principles can also be easily incorporated into other therapy modalities to synergize the effectiveness of what you are already doing.
However, you cannot leverage the power of these techniques just by reading about them. To provide these interventions effectively for clients, it is imperative to experience it for yourself. Learn from psychologist and expert mindfulness trainer Dr. Richard Sears for a two-day experiential MBCT recorded workshop. You will experience every mindfulness exercise, CBT principle, and didactic component of the entire program, along with tips for adapting the material into a variety of individual therapy settings.
As an added bonus, programs like MBCT have also been shown to reduce stress and burnout for clinicians! And, when clinicians practice mindfulness for themselves, their clients have better outcomes!

Manual – 2-Day Experiential Course (5.9 MB) 79 Pages Available after Purchase

Foundations & Principles of MBCT

Why combine Mindfulness and CBT?
The evidence for MBCT
The neurological evidence
Adaptation and Expansion of CBT Principles
Limitations of the research and potential risks

Core Techniques of MBCT

Mindfulness Techniques in MBCT

The Body Scan
Three-Minute Breathing Space
Mindful Stretching techniques
Daily Mindfulness techniques
Sitting with Difficult feelings
Mindful Inquiry – The Crucial Step of Processing Post-Exercise

CBT Practices Applied in MBCT

Behavioral experiments, Exposure therapy, The ABC model and thought and feeing records
Identifying relapse signatures
Relapse prevention plans

The 8 Session MBCT Curriculum
How to Develop Awareness

Session 1 – Stepping out of Auto Pilot Mode

The difference between thinking and experiencing
Techniques for everyday activities

Session 2 – Realizing the Impact of our “Judging Mind”

Incorporating the ABC model for how thoughts and feelings interact
Noticing pleasant events and how they affect us

Session 3 – Bringing us to the Present Moment

Mindful breathing and body techniques
Notice unpleasant events and how we react
Exploring and relating differently to uncomfortable experiences

How to Be Present with Our Experiences

Session 4 – Staying present rather than chasing or ignoring experiences

Techniques to recognize aversions and work through them
Conscious choice versus automatic reactions

Session 5 – Accept and Let Things Be

How to recognize and let go of the wasted energy of struggling with reality
Exposure practice for moving through difficult experiences

Session 6 – Realizing Thoughts are Not Facts

The science of how the human brain gives distressing thoughts about their power
How fighting thoughts can make them worse
Tools for taking the power away from negative thoughts

How to Make Skillful Choices

Session 7 – Self-Care Plans and Avoiding Relapse

How daily activities affect mood
Catch the early warning signs
Activities and exercises to incorporate into daily life

Session 8 – Maintain and Personalize MBCT Practices

How to maintain client engagement
Adapting techniques to the client for long term success

MBCT-Based Interventions for:

Relating differently to intrusive thoughts and feelings
Memory reconsolidation to reprogram old reactions


How ruminations and worries are negatively reinforced
Exposure to body sensations to break through the extinction burst
How to utilize mindfulness even during a panic attack

Chronic Pain

Tease apart thoughts and reactions from physical pain
Create a life worth living and bringing the pain along for the ride


How long-term stress affects short-term crises
Harness the energy of the stress response


Urge surfing – “riding the waves” versus struggling
Chain analysis – find and change the causes of relapse

Children & Adolescents

Recognize choice points
The snow globe analogy for working with swirling thoughts