
Josephine Hardman – Akashic Records Level 1 Training Course

Original price was: ₹89,100.00.Current price is: ₹10,458.00.


Dear Seeker,Being human isn’t always easy. You sometimes lose your way. It can be hard to truly hear your inner guidance when there’s so much noise and distraction in our modern world. But you’re not here to hide, pretend, or do what others expect you to do.
Josephine Hardman – Akashic Records Level 1 Training Course
You’re here to carve out your own path, in your own way. To do that, you must cut through the noise and learn to trust your inner
compass. The Akashic Records can help you get there.
This self-paced course will help you…
Access and read your own Akashic Records
Heal limiting patterns, issues, and blocks
Make decisions more quickly and confidently
Stop looking for answers outside of yourself
Understand your Soul’s evolutionary journey and purpose
Feel connected on a deep spiritual level
Create a more meaningful & soul-aligned life
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are often referred to as the “Book of Life.”
You can think of the Records as a vast, ever-changing library of all human actions, deeds, and thoughts – across all dimensions of time and space.
Whenever your Soul makes the choice to incarnate into physical form (by coming down to Earth in a physical body), a new chapter” in your personal Record is created. The same is true for all humans.
The Records can give you information about your past lives, decisions you made in the past (and why you made them), past life contracts and vows, karmic relationships, your Soul’s overall journey, and your specific Soul Mission in this lifetime.
You can ask the Records questions about ANY topic imaginable: career, relationships, finances, health, business, and more!
The Records can also help you uncover the root of old patterns, addictions, and self-sabotaging behaviors so you can work through these issues and heal them.
Course Modules
MODULE 1: Introduction to the Course

Energetic foundations – how to set your most powerful intentions for this work
Course mantra – your pathway in
How to create safety for your nervous system to do spiritual work
Releasing past life fears of your intuitive gifts
Third eye clearing & activation

MODULE 2: What are the Akashic Records?

What are the Akashic Records?
In-depth origins: Where do the Akashic Records come from?
Helena Blavatsky & the Theosophical Society – origins of the concept “Akashic Records”
The 4 Akashic Record Principles: The core values that will facilitate your work with the Records
Meeting the Record Keepers
Common questions & misconceptions about the Akashic Records
Activating (and closing) potential timelines inside the Records
Recent research on the Records and the Akashic Field
ONUS MATERIAL: life & work of mystic Edgar Cayce

MODULE 3: Accessing + Navigating the Akashic Records

How to create the most effective questions to unlock healing
Akashic Records Portal Prayer & Closing Prayer
How to read the Akashic Records for yourself
Step-by-step instructions for your first 3 openings of the Records
Akashic Records Healing Protocol: learning a process to heal specific issues, patterns, and blocks

MODULE 4: Clearing Out Ego Mind + Opening to Receive

How to get into a receptive state to clearly see, feel, sense, and hear information from the Records
Discovering and nurturing your 4 intuitive channels: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance
The “extra” channel to release resistance
How to move through challenges in working with the Records
How to recognize ego mind patterns and release interference

MODULE 5: Expanded Options + Course Closure

How to work with the Records beyond this course
Additional resources to go deeper
An inside look into an Akashic Records reading

My journey with the Akashic Records
Hello! I’m Josephine. I have a Ph.D. in English Literature and I taught college for 10 years before starting my spiritual business. I’m also a second-generation intuitive healer. It was my mom who first introduced me to the power, depth, and healing energy of the Akashic Records. When I was a teenager, my mom (an energy healer and psychotherapist at the time) taught me how to read my own Records so I would have access to powerful guidance for the rest of my life.
Later on, in 2012, I decided to become certified as an Akashic Records Reader. Soon after, I started giving readings to friends and relatives. The word quickly spread and I realized that it was part of my Soul Mission to use the Records professionally to help others awaken, heal, and remember who they truly are. It is now my pleasure and honor to teach this powerful healing tool to others as we all work together to elevate consciousness on the planet.