
Waking Up – A Meditation Course (2020) (Download Only) – Sam Harris

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Waking Up – A Meditation Course (2020) (Download Only) – Sam Harris
Since December of 2018, I have been using Sam Harris’ app Waking Up designed for meditation. The following piece represents part of my experience meditating with the app. Of course, not everyone will follow the same path. To get the full picture you must actually try Waking Up. I’m in the beginning stages of meditation with a basic level of knowledge of the practice. For a more in-depth analysis and discussion of meditation, I highly suggest checking out Sam Harris’ works in the form of his podcast, articles, and books. If you’ve never meditated before, I hope that this helps you start your journey. And if you’ve tried meditation and given up, I hope that you give it another shot:Snap! In a flash, I search for myself. Sounds weird, I know. “Look for the one who is looking,” Sam says. I squint my eyes like Cyclops from X-Men preparing to floor a building with a red beam. I don’t see anything. “Make your effort the length of a finger snap, then rest your mind,” Sam says. Okay, I’m trying too hard. Snap! I ease my brows, look inwards, and rest.