
Superman – The Authentic Pimp Program

Original price was: ₹10,500.00.Current price is: ₹2,656.00.


Hit Abundance Get laid Create the ultimate dating life that you deserve

Introducing the Authentic Pimp program
Superman – The Authentic Pimp Program
A step by step program that will teach you how to attract high-quality girls by tapping into your inner PIMP with authenticity
Most dating advice is written by mediocre guys who don’t get laid
And that’s why they always teach you that it’s all about getting the women to like you
They teach you how to manipulate women into sleeping with you by using tricks and lies
But that shit doesn’t work
Guys end up getting rejected
This leads to even lower self-confidence and more social anxiety
If you are like most guys, You might have tried some of the popular dating advice out there, but nothing seems to work
This is why you repel girls
You have low self-confidence
You are shy as fuck
You don’t know how to flirt
You don’t know how to escalate
You don’t look good
You don’t have money
You are fat as fuck
You don’t have a jawline
You are just not being your most congruent self
Who is naturally masculine & got that seductive vibe
Who doesn’t have to think about what he has to say next?
Because everything he says is attractive
Because attraction lies in his being
Not in any bullshit pickup line
You are a nice guy but you have no game
The truth is
Nice guys are those dudes who just don’t understand the true female nature
They think what she says is what she wants
That’s why they end up looking like complete assholes in front of women
On the other hand, Bad boys are the congruent authentic dudes
Who consciously or subconsciously acts as the girl wants
For your whole life, you have been taught By scammers, the fake PUA artists
That if you want to attract a girl
You have to be someone else
You have to act like someone else
But that shit is Fake as Fuck
Introducing the Authentic PIMP Program
A complete step by step program that will teach you how to attract high-quality girls & get laid like a warlord
What’s inside?
Tapping into the God inside of you
You’ll learn how to debunk all of the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back till now?
You’ll learn How to eliminate self-doubt?
You’ll learn How to cure your neediness?
You’ll learn How to tap into your inner pimp which will make you irresistible to women
You’ll learn How to have unparallel confidence in every social situation
Manning the Fuck Up
You’ll learn how to be the modern Alpha male
Fixes for your looks & style
The Alpha Body language & Aura
How to come across as The Natural
The secret of becoming sex worthy
The core basics of creating killer attraction
How to keep her attracted to you while talking
How to stop being that noob provider guy & be that crazy lover whom she sees as boyfriend material?
How to kill your Friendzone vibe
HER Psychology
You’ll become a master of female psychology
Everything a woman can think & feel Above all, you’ll learn how to make her respond to you sexually
The Congruent Process
You’ll learn the structure of attraction as a Process
How to initiate conversation?
How to inject fun & sexuality in any interaction?
How to turn her on by your vocal tonality?
Part 2
How to build comfort before taking the lead
How to go for the kiss, at the right time
How to show your intent without being afraid
How to escalate for the pull & close
Making her yours
How to be closer not be the makeout guy
What to do on dates & day 2s that leads to sex
How to get into a relationship or make her your fuck buddy
Relationship Game
How to find the right girl that suits your lifestyle?
How to avoid bad relationships & save yourself the pain & emotional trauma that most guys face?
How to deal with
• Fights
• When she denies sex
• When there is another guy
• When she asks for distance
• When she still has feelings for her ex
• How to have a fulfilling long-distance relationship
• How to get over a breakup
From Text to Date
How to close a solid number?
How to have a texting sequence that leads to date?
How to seduce her from texts?
How to have more dates than you can handle?
How to avoid the noob texting mistakes?
The secrets of social media texting