Elbenbos Apprentice – Ben Settle


If You Have 57 Cents Per Day, I Will Shamelessly Bribe The Hell Out Of You! … With Hundreds Of Dollars Worth OF Free Products Just To Try MY New “VirtualL Apprenticenship”
Elbenbos Apprentice – Ben Settle
Dear Friend,
Yes, this is a “sales letter.”
But, unlike most sales letters this one isn’t just about taking money from you. It’s about (shamelessly) bribing you with so many valuable products…
It’s Like Giving

Free Money To You!

Here’s the story:
Once upon a time, your pal elBenbo had an apprentice. At first, it worked out great. But, before long, it became clear I’m too crotchety, controlling, and dictator-like to apprentice anyone and her apprenticeship ended. Even so, in just that short time, she went from being a completely unknown newbie with zero industry contacts, and no copywriting, email, direct response marketing, or online selling experience…
To Seeing Major Success

Almost Right Out The Gate!

In fact, after her short stint as my apprentice:
She founded her own advertising agency… Produced her own business seminar… Is in demand for her copywriting services… And has various businesses around the world wanting to hire her and do business with her. (She even admits the mindset principles I taught her made her a better parent — so it went far beyond just business success.)
Anyway, since then people keep asking me to apprentice them, too.
And, in each case I tell them to hit the bricks.
Because I have no desire to apprentice anybody one-on-one again. But, despite this, people keep bugging me about it anyway. So, after doing some thinking, I figured out a hands-off way to give you the same money-making advantages and knowledge I gave to my ex-apprentice.
And, I figured out a way to do it…
At A Price

Even A Street Bum

Rattling A Cup Full Of Change

Can Afford!

Here’s what I mean:
I have recently created a “virtual” monthly apprenticeship program online where I can help thousands of people at once, but with none of the headaches I had with an in-person apprentice.
I call this monthly program:
“elBenbo’s Apprentice”

And you know what?
To kick things off, I’m willing to let you in for just pocket change per day, and shamelessly bribe you with hundreds of dollars worth of free products just to try it.