Chad M. Thompson – Total Joint Rehabilitation


You will learn how to evaluate real-time evidence to determine whether current interventions are contributing to the most successful outcomes for the client.

Chad M. Thompson – Total Joint Rehabilitation

3D motion analysis of gait
Evaluate interventions in real time
Customized prosthetic components
Using the evidence to address strength loss and functional range
Avoid revisions & component removal
The future of bio growth tissue

Join Chad M. Thompson, PT, DPT, OCS, CEAS, to elevate your treatment of total joint patients into the here and now. Recent advances in total joint techniques and components, along with the advances in pre-care, anesthesia, pain control, and pharmacological regimens, are allowing for clients to now consider treatment options through surgical centers and out-patient surgery sites. The high-tech development of 3D custom joint fabrication, in conjunction with 3D motion analysis of gait, both pre- and post-operatively, allow the patient to receive the most state-of-the-art care available. Total joint patients now have the option of customized prosthetic components, which fit more precisely with less tissue trauma.
You will learn how to evaluate real-time evidence to determine whether current interventions are contributing to the most successful outcomes for the client. Based upon this evidence, we will discuss how to select targeted exercises that will achieve cost effective, functional goals. During this inspiring day, you will have an opportunity to see how 3D gait and motion analysis can match your client’s needs for a truly customized program. Discussion of the most recent literature findings will be incorporated as well, explaining such things as how convalescence is understood to be a year-long process, due to bone to metal interfaces demonstrating higher tensile stresses than bone to bone. Let us bring the future of total joint rehabilitation forward… as you discover the exciting new opportunities within your role, update your prescription methodology and determine ways to anticipate the evolving needs of your total joint client.
Options Prior to Total Joint Replacement

Supplements to manage OA
Hyaluronic injections
Selective cox II
Physical therapy

When Is It Time for an Elective Total Joint Procedure?

Total Joint Assessment Scales
Physical Exam Criteria

Pain: Visual analog scale, Wong Borg facial scale
Range of motion loss: What are functional ranges? What is functional gait?
Quality of life measure/outcomes: LEFS, TUG

Client’s Goals

The Bucket List
Leisure Time
Work Expectations
Enjoying the Later Years

Hospital Course

Critical pathways
Typical stay
Pain control: Oral meds, PCA, nerve blocks
Rehab goals

Gait distance
Exercise protocol
Discharge planning
Anticipating needs at home

Rehab Outcomes

Gait distances
Knee stability
Click six
Iowa scale

Complicated Hospitalizations


Blood clot
Component failure
Blood loss

Expectations for a Complicated Course

Blood transfusions
Treating Infections: Component removal, IV antibiotics, oral meds
Back on track

The Focus of Post Hospital Care

Assessment of motion analysis
Evaluative findings
Customized exercise prescription
Gait assistive device selection

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Rehabilitation Goals

Scar care
Benefits of scar care soft tissue mobilization
Cost of poor scar care

Patellar adhesion
Range of motion loss

Functional range restoration

Normal ranges
Cost of range restriction
3D assessment
Cost of NOT Restoring Range of Motion: Knee and hip

Strength loss

3D Comparison of Functional Cost to Strength Loss
Best Practice Exercises WHY?

Lateral Stepping
Stretch: Active and passive insufficiency

Cost analysis

Average hospital length

Saving a hospital day
Risk reduction: Infection, blood clot, nosocomial infections

Rehab cost

Hospital total cost
Outpatient cost
Home health
Bridge program

Joint life

Revision rates: Knee and hip
Revision difficulties: Knee and hip

The future of bio growth tissue

Cartilage re-growth
Bone re-growth
Can we ever prevent DJD? RA?


Evaluate conservative management of degenerative joints to discern when these options are the best for the client.
Analyze total joint replacement prescription for outcome achievement.
Anticipate strategies to optimally manage complications.
Contrast the current trends for comprehensive rehab programs.
Determine how 3D gait and motion analysis can become a powerful tool in the development of functional rehab programming.
Compare the effects of residual deficits well beyond the initial healing phase.
Establish goals for complete rehabilitation.
Review cost analysis and purposed saving as they pertain to customized joint replacements.