Christopher Willard – Mindfulness and Body-Based Approaches


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 Christopher Willard – Mindfulness and Body-Based Approaches

You know that mindfulness works and can produce massive change for your clients struggling with trauma, anxiety, depression, ADHD and more.
But getting your clients to practice mindfulness and body-based techniques isn’t easy. And it’s frustrating when they seem to be completely stuck — making no forward progress toward their therapeutic goals — even though you’ve given them valuable tools for personal transformation.
So how do you make mindfulness and body-based approaches work for your clients, not just in session, but also in their daily lives where challenging moments inevitably happen?
It starts by customizing your clinical framework with tools and techniques that match their lifestyle and clinical diagnosis.
Join me today for my new online certificate training, and I’ll show you exactly how to integrate and customize mindfulness and body-based approaches that are proven to help your clients break the rumination cycle, disempower intrusive thoughts, lower the stress response, pacify anger, and so much more… to improve their quality of life and achieve their goals.
The best part? The evidence-based tools and strategies you’ll learn are backed by the power of neuroscience and can be effortlessly integrated with your current clinical model, allowing you to take your therapeutic outcomes to the next level.
Don’t wait to get started earning your certificate. Make today the day you start providing your clients a lifetime of relief by making mindfulness and body-based approaches stick.
I’ll see you in the course,

Dr. Christopher Willard

The Secret of Clinicians Who GET Results…

Using mindfulness in clinical practice to get results is all about safely adapting body-based tools like breathing, movement, sensory practices, and visualization exercises, to the unique needs of each client and their clinical diagnosis.
Through 10 video modules, Dr. Christopher Willard will show you step-by-step how you can easily adjust his evidence-based clinical framework for clients struggling with trauma, addiction, anxiety, depression, ADHD and more.
Starting right away in Module 1, you’ll learn neuroscience-backed strategies that you can immediately apply to:

Enhance the therapeutic relationship

Improve sleep outcomes

Break the rumination cycle

Disempower intrusive thoughts

Lower the stress response

Interrupt the habit loop of addiction

Pacify the anger response

Reduce the intensity of panic attacks

Avoid relapse by mindfully monitoring triggering situations


Improve attentional control

…and so much more

By the end of the certificate training, you’ll be confident in your ability to help clients cultivate and grow in their own practice, allowing you to make the biggest impact on your clients’ brain and their recovery from whatever it is they’re struggling with.
Here’s more of what you’ll be learning…

Mindfulness and Neuroscience of Stress, Attachment and Mental Health

What is Mindfulness? How does it relate to stress, attachment, and mental health? In Module 1, we will explore:

Mindfulness and neuroscience of healthy attachment and brain development
How to use the breath as a “remote control” for our minds, bodies and emotions
The simple science of how mindfulness keeps depression, PTSD, anxiety, aggression and addiction at bay
Mind-body interventions for stress and attachment issues

A Holistic Model of Mindfulness and Mind-Body Interventions

Module 2 explores the bio-psycho-social model of mental health and mental illness.

Introducing mindfulness of body through eating and movement in simple and straightforward ways
Exploring mindfulness of thought with playful, cognitive interventions
Understanding the social construction of mental health, and looking at interpersonal mindfulness and positive psychology interventions

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

Module 3 explores the neuroscience of mindfulness, interventions supported by neuroscience research, and how to incorporate mindfulness into treatment modalities.

A simple practice to rewire resilience that shows what mindfulness does to the brain
Translate neuroscience and epigenetic research to mindfulness for your clients
Understand interpersonal neurobiology and your role in the therapeutic encounter
Know the state of the research on mindfulness based interventions
Effectively integrate mindfulness into many modalities of therapy including DBT, ACT, CBT and more

Creating a Mindful Space: Focus on Mindfulness and Compassion for the Clinician

Module 4 explores the benefits of mindfulness for the therapist – maintaining presence and focus, managing the stress of your challenging job, and staving off “compassion fatigue”.

Why and how mindfulness will make you a better and happier therapist and positively impact your clients
Presence, countertransference, and decision-making techniques to sharpen your clinical intuition and improve patient outcomes
Self-compassion, appreciation, and relaxation exercises to avoid burnout

Focusing practices to keep your mind alert, awake and alive
Contemplative techniques to keep calm, connected and creative in your sessions

Mindful Bodies, Eating and Movement inside and outside the Therapeutic Encounter

With our bodies as the seat of emotional wisdom, attachment, and more, we turn toward simple therapeutic mindful movement anyone can teach, and playful ways to explore mindful eating to gain insight into a range of presenting problems.

Multiple ways to explore mindful walking and movement in and out of session
Mindful eating and its uses with anxiety, depression, impulse control and more
Mindful eating prompts and practices for the real world

From Fight and Flight to Attend and Befriend: Treating Anxiety and Anger Through Mindfulness

Module 6 Explores shutting down fight/flight and turning on attend and befriend to rewire the brain to respond without excess anger or anxiety.

The neuroscience of anxiety and mindfulness
Simple mind-body interventions for anxiety
The neuroscience of anger and mindfulness
Simple and fun practices that manage aggression and anger

From Freeze and Faint to Attend and Befriend: Managing Trauma and Depression through Mindfulness

Module 7 Explores shutting down freeze and faint depressive and traumatic responses to activate the brains attend and befriend response for recovery.

The neuroscience of depression and trauma
A biopsychosocial model for treating depression and trauma through mindfulness
Do no harm – how to adapt and when to avoid mindfulness in the treatment of trauma and depression
The science and practice of simple self-compassion in the treatment of trauma and depression

Managing Impulses Mindfully, from Addiction to Attention Deficits

Module 8 Explores mindfully managing impulses in the addictions and attention deficits through mindfulness and related practices.

The neuroscience of addiction and recovery
Urge surfing, the SOBER breath, and mind-body practices that rewire the reward circuit
The neuroscience of attention and impulse control disorders
Anchoring the mind, sensory and movement practices that engage even the attentionally-challenged

Growing Up Mindful: Working with Kids and Teens

Module 9 offers mindfulness adaptations for kids, teens and families.

Playing attention- making mindfulness fun for kids
Integrating mindfulness into child therapy
Creating a holistic model to reinforce mindfulness in families, systems, schools and communities
How to help kids and families slow down, sit still and single-task
Practical and effective ideas that will generate buy-in from kids

Mindfulness and Compassion in Action

In this final module, learn additional compassion based-practices, plus ways to cultivate mindful and compassionate workplaces, schools and communities. This module provides:

Dealing with doubt: whether it’s your own, your colleagues, or the kids’ doubt
Creating and adapting our own scripts
Make the virtual virtuous with mindful uses of technology
A roadmap for breaking through resistance
Cultivating compassion in ourselves
Finding time in busy lives for mindfulness practice and self-compassion
Inspiring and time-tested ideas for creating a mindful and compassionate workplace, school, or family

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Who is this training for?

Part of the richness of this intensive training is the remarkably broad range of professions represented.
Designed for therapists, coaches, educators, caregivers, health professionals and anyone in a helping profession interested in integrating Mindfulness and Body-Based Approaches into their professional life, this interactive online certificate training offers you the framework you need to improve your outcomes.
Continuing Education Credits Available!

and details specific to your profession.
Want to know more about the course outline?

Certificate of Completion

In recognition of completing this training, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion.
Your certificate not only showcases your personal and professional accomplishment, it shows your clients, your colleagues, and employer your continued dedication to furthering your education and improving therapeutic outcomes.

About Christopher Willard, Psy.D.:

Christopher Willard, Psy.D., is one of the world’s leading experts on mindfulness with young people, having trained thousands of professionals and young people on the practice and benefits of mindfulness.
He is a psychologist and consultant based in Boston, working individually as well as consulting to schools, hospitals and other organizations. Additionally, he is the author of multiple books on psychology, child development, contemplative practice and more.
Dr. Willard is the president of the Mindfulness in Education Network and serves on the board of directors at the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy. In addition to serving on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Willard leads courses and workshops around the world and online.
Dr. Willard is the author of Child’s Mind (2010), Growing Up Mindful (2016) and three other books. He is the co-author of the bestselling Growing Mindful and Growing Happy card decks and The Mindfulness Skills Activity Book for Children.
Speaker Disclosure: Financial: Christopher Willard maintains a private practice. He receives royalties as an author for New Harbinger Publishing, Guilford Press, and Parallax Press. Dr. Willard receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. Non-financial: Christopher Willard has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.

Learning that Fits YOUR Schedule:

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Instantly collaborate with other professionals on the course materials through interactive message boards. You’ll be part of a community of hundreds of practitioners all focused on mastering mindfulness for clinical practice, providing valuable opportunities to share insight and experiences and to build your professional network.