Karyn Gallivan – Cardiac Rehabilitation


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Karyn Gallivan – Cardiac Rehabilitation


The Essentials of An Individualized Treatment Program
What are the Contraindications you MUST Know?
The Latest AACVPR Updates
Supporting Patient Adherence
Measuring Patient Outcomes for Progress
Inpatient vs. Outpatient Criteria
The Latest Reimbursement Changes: How Confident are You?
The Future of Technology Use in Cardiac Rehabilitation

This dynamic one-day event will provide you with the intricacies of developing, maintaining and continuing an effective cardiac rehabilitation program. Karyn Gallivan will explore ways to increase referrals and support patient adherence while in a cardiac rehabilitation program. How confident are you in your performance improvement processes? Are you meeting the current billing/qualifying standards out there? Most importantly, do you have the right equipment, staff, and tools, to promote optimal patient outcomes from services? The most up-to-date information will be presented including insurance reforms and strategies to increase reimbursement. Karyn will incorporate interesting case studies to highlight key take away messages throughout the day. Make plans now to attend. We understand how busy you are… and guarantee this program will prove to be immediately of value as you return the next day to the patients entrusted to your care!
Designing a Cardiac Rehab Program

Equipment needs – must haves/nice to haves
Covering the bases – addressing aerobic, resistance and flexibility needs
Limitations of space to consider
Departmental staffing (acuity/census)

Cardiac Rehabilitation: Individualized Treatment Plans

Key considerations for exercise programs
Patient goals to reduce further cardiac risk
Exercise prescription for aerobic and resistance training in the cardiac patient
Contraindications you MUST be aware of

Evidence-Based Practice Changes

Core competencies to incorporate the current best practices
The latest AACVPR updates
Process improvement initiatives to “drive” success

Demonstrating Patient Outcomes

Establishing initial goals for the patient
Quantifying/measuring patient progress
Is the patient ready for discharge?
Collaborating with the patient on a plan for home
Anticipated and realistic quality of life

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Phases

Phase 1 – The acute phase

How to capture different diagnoses

Phase 2 – The subacute phase

When to start
Continuing patients towards progress
The concern with re-admissions

Phase 3 – Intensive outpatient

Strategies to encourage patient commitment at this phase

Phase 4 – Independent ongoing conditioning

The ultimate goal

Specialized Needs by Cardiac Diagnosis/Patient

Status post stent
Acute myocardial infarction
Heart transplant
Older Adults

Overcoming Key Obstacles


Obama Care
Do you understand all the changes?
CMS coverage vs. private insurance
Making insurance coverage work for you


Number of sessions
Continuing to qualify for services
Relieving the physician offices

Physician Referrals

How to educate/market to increase referrals
Getting the physician to “buy” in to Cardiac Rehab
Easing physician burden on Medical Supervision requirements

Patient Challenges

Smoking Cessation
Commitment to lifestyle changes – Exercise/Diet
Adherence to pharmacological therapies
Risk factor management

New Exercise Modalities

Skype appointments/monitoring
Virtual reality
Making the most of available technology

Would you like to receive Karyn Gallivan – Cardiac Rehabilitation ?

Analyze the functional benefits of cardiac rehabilitation for a variety of specific patient types.
Differentiate between the goals, outcomes, and coverage considerations between inpatient and outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs.
Develop strategies to promote patient adherence following completion of a formal cardiac rehabilitation program.
Formulate effective interventions to the common and less common obstacles in cardiac rehabilitation.
Analyze current insurance and other payment sources pertinent to cardiac rehabilitation coverage.
Construct a plan for the future of cardiac rehabilitation services.