Alex Sterner & Alex Bryce – Simplified Strength Training for BJJ


Alex Sterner and Alex Bryce layout their complete 4-day workout routine that addresses each aspect of strength-building AND respects your time! Format File:4 MP4

Alex Sterner & Alex Bryce – Simplified Strength Training for BJJ

Simplified Strength Templates For BJJ is a 4-Part Series and E-Book That Lays Out An Easy-to-follow Program That Is Designed To Give You A Next-level Workout Plan For Your Time Off-the-mat

Build sport-specific strength that will help you become functionally stronger in all aspects of combat.

Use proven methods of strength training that translate directly to on-the-mat performance!

Alex Sterner and Alex Bryce layout their complete 4-day workout routine that addresses each aspect of strength-building AND respects your time!
Get immediately download Alex Sterner & Alex Bryce – Simplified Strength Training for BJJ

Recover easier by having a stronger foundation including hip/shoulder mobility exercises that will keep you on the mat longer!

Part 1:

Alex Sterner’s Coach Introduction

Alex Bryce’s Coach Introduction

Compound Movements

Progressive Overload /Reps in Reserve


Quad Pull To RDL Reach

Sweeping Hamstring Stretch

Lateral Lunge

World’s Greatest Stretch

Bear Crawl

Power Skip

Rest Periods

DIY Landmine

Specificity vs Transfer

Advanced Methods/Supersets

DAY 1-HINGE:Dumbbell RDL


HINGE:Snatch Grip RDL

Vertical Press:1/2 Kneeling DB Single Arm Overhead Press

Vertical Press:1/2 Kneeling LandMine Press

Vertical Press: Tall Kneeling Enhanced Eccentric Landmine Press

Horizontal Pull: DB Incline Chest Supported Row

Horizontal Pull: DB Seal Row

Horizontal Pull: Pendlay Row/li>

Lunge: Dumbbell Split Squat

Lunge: Dumbbell Walking Lunge

Lunge: Dumbbell Deficit Reverse Lunge

Anterior Chain: Hanging Hollow Body

Anterior Chain: Hanging Knee Tuck

Anterior Chain: Toes To Bar

Part 2:

DAY 2 – Squat: Goblet Squat

Squat: Barbell High Bar Box Squat

Squat: Barbell High Bar Back Squat

Horizontal Press: Dumbbell Floor Press
Get immediately download Alex Sterner & Alex Bryce – Simplified Strength Training for BJJ

Horizontal Press: Dumbbell Bench Press

Horizontal Press: Barbell Bench Press

Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up Hold

Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up Negative

Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up

Single Leg Thrust: Foot+Shoulder Elevated Single Leg Hip Thrust

Single Leg Thrust: DB Pause B Stance Hip Thrust

Single Leg Thrust: DB Pause Single Leg Hip Thrust

HiP Adduction: Copenhagen Plank (Knee)

Hip adduction: Copenhagen Plank (Foot)

Hip Adduction: Copenhagen Raise

Part 3:

DAY 3 – Split Squat: Barbell Split Squat

Split Squat: Zercher Split Squat

Split Squat: Barbell B Stance Squat

Bodyweight Press: Pushup

Bodyweight: Decline Pushup

Bodyweight Press: Handstand Pushup

Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Row

Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Pause Row

Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Tripod Row

Single Leg Hinge: BW Single Leg RDL + Reach

Single Leg Hinge: DB Braced Single Leg RDL

Single Leg Hinge: Barbell Single Leg RDL

Hip Abduction: side Lying Hip Abduction

Hip Abduction: Extra Range Side Lying Hip Abduction

Hip Abduction: Side Lying Hip Raise

Part 4:

DAY 4 – Hinge: Conventional Block Pull

Hinge: Conventional Deadlift

Hinge: Sumo Deadlift

Vertical Press: DB Seated Overhead Press

Vertical Press: DB Standing Overhead Press

Vertical Press: Military Press

Bodyweight Row: Inverted Row (High)

Bodyweight Row: Inverted Row (Low)

Bodyweight Row: Feet Elevated Inverted Row

Split Squat: BW Bulgarian Split Squat

Split Squat: DB Bulgarian Split Squat

Split Squat: DB Deficit Bulgarian Split Squat

Anterior Chain: Lying Leg Raise

Anterior Chain: Dragon Fly

Anterior chain: Devil’s W’s

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Alex Sterner & Alex Bryce – Simplified Strength Training for BJJ: Sample
Here’s What You’ll Get in Alex Sterner & Alex Bryce – Simplified Strength Training for BJJ