Pedro Sauer – Fundamentals of Side Control Escapes


Study one of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s most important aspects with one of its most respected instructors, as 8th-Degree Corral Belt Pedro Sauer explains the principles and techniques for escaping side control. File Size: 3.15 GB

Pedro Sauer – Fundamentals of Side Control Escapes

Learn from one of America’s most respected Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructors, with 8th-Degree Black Belt Pedro Sauer’s instruction on the principles of escaping bad positions

Get out of every variation on the side control position with Professor Sauer’s fundamentals and techniques for reliable escapes
Use proper framing and body mechanics to create space and escape, even against opponents in a scarf hold or reverse scarf hold
Use your legs and body for better escapes, and learn how you can become harder to submit and pressure into with Professor Sauer’s help
Use counters and even surprise submissions to be dangerous, even from the bottom position in side control

What Will You Learn?
Study one of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s most important aspects with one of its most respected instructors, as 8th-Degree Corral Belt Pedro Sauer explains the principles and techniques for escaping side control. Across 4-volumes, you will learn all the most effective ways to finally start creating space and getting back into the fight with Professor Sauer’s lifetime of experience on the mats.
Even against tricky side control variations like the scarf hold or reverse scarf hold, you can still use Professor Sauer’s instruction to reverse and reguard your way back into a much more comfortable position. Use fundamental framing, reversing, and offensive options to create the most effective and reliable escapes possible.
Stop getting crushed in side control and start learning all best ways to stay safe and work back to better and better position. Professor Pedro Sauer has spent his life teaching and training and these escapes are his most effective and reliable techniques that students of all levels can use for success.
Get immediately download Pedro Sauer – Fundamentals of Side Control Escapes
Shoulder Lock Scarf Hold Escape
So, What Exactly Do You Get?
Part 1:

Introduction & Growing Old in Jiu Jitsu
Becoming Comfortable from Bottom Position
Upper Body Framing
Lower Body Framing
The Shoelace Hook Guard Recovery
The Heel Hook Mount Reversal
Cross Face Arm Trap Counter
Preventing the cross face & countering with Americana

Part 2:

Harpoon Reversal
Troubleshooting the Harpoon Reversal
Counter to ‘Wrestlers Pin’
Choke from ‘Wrestlers Pin’
Shibonis Sweep
Shibonis Sweep to Shoulder Lock
Troubleshooting the Harpoon
Troubleshooting the Harpoon
Sprawl 2
Leg Pinch Reversal
Leg Pinch Re-Guard
Trap & Bridge Reversal
Leg Pinch to Scoop
Knee Drive Counter
Sword Arm to Overhook
Taboo Turn
Obtaining the Underhook
Low Underhook Double Leg

Part 3:

Threading the Needle to sit out
Threading the Needle to Sit Out 2
Threading the Needle to Head Lock Counter
Threading the Needle to Shoulder Lock
Mantis Hook
Bustin’ a Grip
Bustin’ a Grip 2
Bustin’ a Grip 3
Frame & Turn
Kimura Reversal
Paper Cutter Choke Counter
Deceptive Armbar

Part 4:

Scarf Hold
Positioning to Escape Scarf Hold
Flanking against Scarf Hold
Shoulder Lock Scarf Hold Escape
Scarf Hold to Armbar
Overhead Scarf Reversal
Go to Knees
Leg Over Head
Wrestlers Escape
Reverse Scarf Hold
Cross face to Mata Leao
Invite to Mount
Butterfly Hook
Mount Reversal
Back Take